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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Strange Picture

Florence fixed a condescending gaze on Jane, a sly smile playing at the corner of her lips. In her eyes, a girl from modest beginnings like Jane couldn't possibly present a decent gift to Mike. Her goal was clear - she aimed to establish herself as the sole woman worthy of being Patrick's wife.

What had irked Florence was the revelation that it was Mike who had engineered Patrick and Jane's engagement. She saw this as an opportunity to change Mike's mind, a result of her calculated efforts to curry favor with Beatrice, Patrick's mother, which had proven successful. Despite her efforts, Patrick remained distant and unresponsive.

Beatrice had confided in Florence that Patrick was engaged to Jane solely to appease his grandfather, adding pressure on Florence to make a favorable impression on Mike while simultaneously undermining Jane to secure her own position as the future Mrs. Pansy.

With a confident smile, Jane admitted, "I didn't prepare any gift."

To her surprise, Jane appeared unfazed, which ignited disdain in Florence's eyes. Florence had assumed Jane would arrive empty-handed and, without any cultural sophistication, be promptly ejected from the gathering. Instead, Jane reached into her bag and pulled out a painting, introducing it with a radiant smile, "This is Monet's work, 'Woman with a Parasol.' My grandpa asked me to give it to you."

Mike's eyes lit up at the sight of the painting. "This is wonderful. Please convey my gratitude to Mr. North," he said with genuine joy.

Florence was left dumbfounded, her mouth agape. The painting appeared to be a priceless masterpiece, lifelike and exquisite. Compared to this, her own gift paled in comparison.

Unable to contain her skepticism, Florence interjected, "Jane, isn't it rather insulting to give Mr. Pansy a fake painting?"

Jane's eyebrows furrowed at the implication. The painting was undoubtedly authentic, and she bristled at the accusation. "Florence, are you doubting Grandpa Mike's ability to distinguish an original painting from a fake?" Jane retorted sarcastically, her smile faint.

Florence's embarrassment flushed her cheeks as she realized her hasty judgment.

"That's not what I meant. Everyone knows that Monet's pieces are invaluable. How did you obtain this painting?"

Jane's response was incredulous, "Are you suggesting that I stole it?"

Patrick, who had remained silent, finally spoke up. "The painting is genuine."

Questions swirled in Patrick's mind as he looked at Jane. Given her rural background, he was puzzled by how she had acquired such a priceless piece of art. Suspicion had been brewing in Patrick's mind in recent days. He couldn't shake the feeling that Jane was more complex than she appeared.

Nevertheless, Florence persisted in her skepticism, saying, "But-"

"The painting is indeed authentic, but I can't say the same about your dress," Jane interjected, shaking her head theatrically. "It's positively fake!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Florence retorted, her tone filled with indignation.

"My dress was designed by an international designer, Loe. You probably haven't heard of Loe because you know nothing about fashion. How dare you insinuate that my dress is fake?"


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