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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43: You Are Fired

Joan grasped the recorder pen and engaged the playback.

Instantly, the conversation between the two women filled the room.

"Joan, I've transferred $250, 000 to your account, and I'll give you another $250, 000. With this money, you can provide for your son's medical treatment and ensure his well-being," Monica's voice resonated from the recorder.

Joan's voice quivered with a mixture of nervousness and excitement as she inquired, "This is an incredible amount of money. What do you want me to do in return?"

Monica reassured her, "It's quite simple. All you need to do is replace some drawings in Jane's office."

Joan hesitated, voicing her concern, "But what if someone discovers what I've done?"

"Rest assured," Monica replied. "You can go to her office and pretend to be cleaning when no one is around. No one will suspect you. Besides, you currently earn just a thousand dollars a month as a cleaner. How many years would you have to work to earn $500, 000? After this task is completed, you can resign and lay low in the countryside. You can find another job once this blows over. It's a perfect plan, isn't it?"

Joan found the argument convincing and agreed, "Okay, I'll do it!"

Monica was visibly pleased with Joan's commitment. "Excellent! I'll provide you with instructions when the time comes. Remember, only you and I should know about this. Don't let anyone else in on it."

Joan assured her, "I won't reveal a thing to anyone."

The recorded conversation concluded.

Jane fixed her gaze on Monica and sneered, "Monica, do you have any further denials?"

Monica, her face drained of color and her brow drenched in sweat, vehemently rejected the accusation. "No, that wasn't me!"

"Everyone in this room has heard it; it's unmistakably your voice," Jane retorted. She proceeded to activate a computer and access an email.

"If you persist in denying it, I have additional evidence."

She projected the email for all to see. "This is Joan's bank account record. I had a friend look into it."

Jane paused and stared directly at Monica. "The money was transferred via a foreign account, and the account holder is..."

Jane's revelation left Monica astounded. How had Jane discovered her father's account? She had taken meticulous precautions!

"I possess eyewitness accounts and tangible evidence," Jane asserted. "Monica, do you still maintain that this is a false accusation?"

"No... That's impossible," Monica attempted to mount a defense but faltered in her response.

The facts were clear to everyone. Regardless of her protests, the evidence was overwhelmingly against her. Her fate was sealed, with no room for escape this time.


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