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Unexpectedly Sweet Flash Marriage novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119 Does Your Uncle Curtis Know About It?

Adeline remembered the times she had been intimate with Curtis without any contraceptive measures and she still hadn't gotten pregnant, and her face turned even paler.

The doctor took off her glasses and looked at Adeline. "Your endocrine data does have some issues."

With just one sentence, Adeline's eyes immediately turned red.

She loved children so much and wanted to have her own children.

The thought of not being able to conceive a baby made her feel a sharp pain in her chest.

"Hey, young lady, don't cry. I've looked at your data, and it does have some minor problems. It's probably due to excessive stress in your daily life, but it doesn't require treatment at this stage."

"Can I still get pregnant?" Adeline asked anxiously.

"To be honest, your condition is not severe. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a complex condition. In clinical practice, many patients with polycystic ovaries get pregnant without treatment. There are also many people whose data doesn't look severe but have been undergoing treatment for years without getting pregnant. My suggestion is to try natural conception first because you're still young."

"You needn't use hormone drugs for now. Based on your data, I don't think it's necessary to intervene with hormone drugs at the moment. You can try dietary therapy, exercise, and yoga to relax and reduce stress. If it doesn't work, come back to me, and I'll prescribe medication."

"Okay," Adeline nodded.

Seeing her pale lips, the doctor couldn't help but comfort her with a few more words.

"Don't worry, your data is really not severe. It's just a slight hormonal imbalance. I've seen many people with more severe data than yours who still got pregnant."

"But doctor, what if... what if I really can't get pregnant? How would it be treated?" Adeline asked worriedly.

"Usually, it starts with ovulation induction to see if the couple can conceive naturally. If that doesn't work, we can consider artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. Relax, young lady. You're still young, and it'll be fine." The doctor smiled kindly.

Adeline picked up the examination form and walked away with a floating gait.

Just as she walked out of the chief doctor's office, she saw a woman of similar age to her coming out of another office.

The woman wailed loudly as soon as she walked out.


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