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Unexpectedly Sweet Flash Marriage novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Scolding the Mother and Sister Angrily

"We...move out?" Adeline couldn't believe what she had heard.

"Yes." Edith nodded emphatically.

Adeline laughed instantly, "Why? Why do we have to move out? This is our house."

"Sister... You're being so unkind!" Viola couldn't help but say, "You're married, but I'm not married yet, am I?"

"What's marriage going to do with this?" Adeline frowned even harder.

"It doesn't matter!" Edith went straight on, "Your house is in a good location and the value is high. If Viola lives here, other people will look up to her when they want to marry her. No one will dare to bully Viola in the future."

After a pause, Edith continued, "You are the one who messed up Jacob's marriage, right? Jacob will need a good house if he starts seeing someone else in the future as well. Don't you have to compensate him since you have ruined his marriage?"

Adeline seemed to be accustomed to that kind of accusation. No matter what she did, it would always be her fault.

She smiled lightly and said softly, "Jacob's marriage is ruined because of other reasons. Look at what he has done to me, I consider myself very kind on what I did to him. I can tell you with confidence that I don't need to compensate him. As for Viola's marriage, it's good enough to have you take care of it. I don't need to be in it."

"What do you mean? You won't lend us the house?" Edith raised her voice.

"No. I am not. I have no such obligation. This house belongs to my husband and I. We won't move out for your ridiculous reasons!"

"You..." Edith's face was livid with rage.

Viola quickly stroked Edith's back and helped her calm down, "Adeline, see what you have done to make Mom gets so angry? You are the older sister, do you want to be so calculative with me? Does it makes you look like an older sister?"

Adeline sneered, "I worked hard and saved money, and I have never bought myself a dress that cost more than 70 dollars!"

"But when you said you like a dress that costs four thousand dollars, Mom forced me to buy it for you."

"After that, you wore the four thousand dollars dress for a day, and you refuse to wear it anymore! Saying that it's off the season and it makes you ashamed in front of your friends!"

"Have you ever thought about my feelings? Have you ever thought about how long I need to save that four hundred dollars?"

Adeline looked angry and she took a few steps closer to Viola, "Since you were young, when have you ever regarded me as your sister? You always want to take advantage of me. You will only think of me when you want to ask me for money. When did you care about me?"

"You want me to be not calculative? Sure. If you return the pocket money you stole from me, I will stop being calculative!"

"I..." Viola was speechless, her face turned pale.

Adeline, who was in front of her looked strange. It wasn't the Adeline she knew before!

Seeing her beloved daughter being scolded, Edith wanted to help her.

Before she could say anything, Adeline gave her a solemn look and said, "Mom, if you still care about your image, even just slightly, you won't ask me for such a thing!"

After saying that, Adeline got up and walked to the study.

"Anyway, I won't lend the house to you and I don't want to talk to you anymore. I have to prepare for my classes. When you finish your tea, please close the door when you leave."

After speaking, Adeline walked into the study, closed the door, and continued to prepare the material for her classes.

When the home was built and designed, Curtis used the best materials. The sound insulation effect of each room had also been carefully handled.

When Adeline was preparing the teaching materials in the study, it was very quiet. She thought that Edith and Viola had left, so she ignored it and continued to focus on her work.

An hour later, there was a faint noise of music, which made her frown subconsciously.

Usually, the noise wouldn't come into the study.

If she could hear that noise, how loud must the disco music be outside?

Adeline pushed the door of the study open with doubts.

As expected, there were two different worlds inside and outside the study!

The deafening disco music made the chandeliers on the ceiling vibrated.


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