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Unexpectedly Sweet Flash Marriage novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Adeline, My Mother has Promised Our Marriage before My Business Trip

As saying so, Logan cleared his voice nervously and he adjusted his bow tie. He asked the people next to him again and again, "Is it OK?"

When others showed him a gesture of "OK". He looked at the camera with giggle.

"Adeline, I always want to propose to you on your birthday. All through the companion of three years, which is one thousand and ninety-five days, I am sure that you are my soulmate which I want to spend the rest of my life with. Adeline, I know that you are angry about me for not contacting you such a long time."

Logan laughed out as he said so.

"These were all taught by my junior schoolmate. She said it was a surprise before my proposal. First I needed to neglect you. When the date of my proposal arrived, you would feel more surprised.

Adeline, please be at ease. My proposal this time is carefully considered. And before me business trip, I have already talked with my mother. I told her that we would get married after this business trip. She has agreed. So..."

Logan smiled shyly and called "Adeline" gently. Then he got down on one knee.

"Are you willing to marry me?"

Logan's eyes were full of good faith in the projector screen.

All around, the wind played the sound of bells on the sycamore trees, and everything was like being in a dream.

Adeline's heart was heaving violently.

At the moment when Logan got down on his knee, her heart seemed to be hit by the sledge hammer of an ancient clock, and her breathing suddenly accelerated.

All the colleagues in the office were calling out.

"Marry him!"

"Marry him!"

Even Oscar Jones who was an old man wore a big smile on his face. He clapped and said, "Marry him! Marry him!"

The only consciousness existed in Adeline's mind made her shake her head. She stumbled a few steps back and said, "No... I can't. I can't."

The happy atmosphere disappeared immediately, just like someone pressed the pause button.

Adeline left the research laboratory like crazy. Only Logan's colleagues were left there looking at each other.

No one knew what went wrong.

Adeline ran all along the way. She even did not know she passed Hannah, who was recording video secretly.

She only knew that she had to leave there then.

She ran and ran. The wind whistled in her ears. And she also heard other kinds of sound.

Like the words Melissa once said to her.

Melissa said, "Some people will try to give you a surprise with the method of holding out on you. When you find out it is a surprise for you getting off work. You will be touched deeply."

Then she heard Logan's voice.

"Adeline, I want to give you a ceremonious proposal."

"Adeline, I am sure that you are my soulmate."

"Adeline, it is your birthday today. Would you marry me?"

"Adeline, please relax. My mother will help me taking care of you."

"Adeline, after I come back from this business trip, I will marry you."


All the voices rushed into Adeline's ears. She finally squatted down beside the river uncontrollably and cried bitterly.

It turned out that Logan was going to propose to her on her birthday.

It turned out that Logan had discussed with Victoria that he would marry her after his business trip. So Victoria couldn't wait to make her marry Curtis.

She hated her!

She hated Victoria so much!

She also hated her fate!

But what could her hatred do?

Those things that had happened could not be changed. Logan and her wouldn't be together again then.

Adeline felt her heart hurting so much. She even couldn't breathe.

Logan called her again and again.

She rejected again and again. At last she switched her phone off. She sat beside the river dully.

Adeline cried and cried. It seemed that she had cried out all her tears, then she calmed down.

She sat at the same place, thinking for a long time. Then she turned on her phone and called Logan back.

"Logan, I have got married."


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