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Unexpectedly Sweet Flash Marriage novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Adeline's Secret

It had happened in her sophomore year.

She and her family had attended old Mrs. Riley's birthday party because she had been Logan's fiancée. After receiving the gifts, Old Mrs. Riley had let young people enjoy themselves instead of accompanying her.

Then, someone suggested playing hide and seek. Adeline and Viola had hidden behind the Riley family's villa in a thatched hut on the hill. And Viola had locked the door to prevent others from finding them. After waiting a long time, no one had found them. But unexpectedly, there had suddenly been a raging fire outside. The fire had rapidly spread with the help of the mountain wind and immediately surrounded the hut. So they could not get out. And they soon felt dizzy because of the smoke.

When she was about to lose consciousness, her three brothers had come. They had kicked the door open with a bang, rushed in, picked Viola up from the ground, and carried her out. But no one had noticed Adeline lying not far away.

"Help... me... "

Her voice had become hoarse because of the smoke, so she could only make a weak sound. But her brothers had directly rushed out with Viola. They had not even looked back. Maybe they had not heard her voice.

She had desperately watched them leave, feeling envious. And she had thought maybe she deserved to die in the fire because she had been born without blessings. But she had been unwilling to die at such a young age!

When she had been desperate and anxious, she had heard Logan loudly calling her name.

"Adeline! Is Adeline in there? She is still inside!"

She couldn't hear his words clearly but had known people were persuading him out of coming in. The fire had destroyed the beams, so the roof would collapse anytime. The situation had been dangerous.


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