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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 1123

Ending the call, Luna took a deep breath, feeling lost and anxious.

She considered calling the police. But Aura was so watchful and vigilant, if she called the police... She was worried Nellie and Nigel would be in danger.

Even if she successfully protected Nellie and Nigel, what about Neil? If the police came and saved Nigel and Nigel, Aura would definitely take out her anger on Neil.

It was not worth the risk. So she had no choice but to stride forward alone.

At this thought, she clutched the phone tightly in her hand and stared out the window anxiously.

They had to be safe. Nellie and Nigel had to be safe

The entire journey from Blue Bay Villa to the beach, Luna's heart pounded wildly in her chest. She did not know what Aura had in mind, neither did she know what would be waiting in store for her once she arrived there. She also wondered whether she could call for help...

Just like that, with a wildly pounding heart, Luna arrived at the beach. Stepping out of the car, she walked along the beach, searching for any signs of the children.

The beach that was usually crowded was completely

empty, the entire area worryingly quiet.

There were no streetlights on the beach, with every step she took, Luna’s heart beat anxiously in her chest, the only sounds drifting into her ear were the gentle crash of the waves against the beach and the flapping of seagulls’ wings.

The longer she searched, the more desperate she grew, the loom of despair growing larger and larger. She was afraid she would not be able to find Nellie and Nigel, afraid that the slip of paper was just a cruel joke to torment her.

If she failed to find the children here, where could she go to look for them? Surely she had other options besides just sitting and waiting for Aura to make the first move?


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