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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 1240

So...it was really caused by that bowl of clam chowder.

"But the purpose of the poison was not to kill her.” Dr. Yves looked at the medical records, narrowing her eyes as she said, "There was only a small amount of poison in her bloodstream, it's not enough to make her ill immediately. But it will accumulate in the body, and once it reaches a certain level of concentration, it will erupt. And when it does, the patient will die, even the best doctors in the world can't provide a cure." 1

With that, she flipped open the old lady's medical records, "dust like this patient, even with the help of all of the best doctors, they’ll only be able to suppress the symptoms, the moment there’s relapse, the patient might die.”

Luna was stunned. A moment later, she said hoarsely," So...the poison that was used on Courtney, and the one Granny Lynch was poisoned with...is the same type of poison?"

"Yeah." The doctor sighed, "Courtney's situation was a n accident, she ate too many fruits in the morning and afternoon, so a large amount of vitamin c accumulated in her body, once it reacts with the poison, it will expedite the rate at which the poison accumulates, heightening its symptoms, that's why she will fall sick immediately after inhaling the poison. But luckily, she was sent to the hospital in time, she'll be fine."

Then, the doctor lifted her head and glanced at Luna." Did Courtney get on the wrong side of anyone?"

Luna remained quiet but felt a chill on her back. Aura prepared the bowl of clam chowder for her, and she, unlike Courtney, was not in the habit of eating a large number of fruits. So, if she too drank the clam chowder, she would not exhibit any symptoms, nor would she suspect that she had been poisoned. After some time, sooner or later, she might end up exactly like Granny Lynch...

"It looks like Granny Lynch’s relapse was also because she was poisoned again."

Suddenly, the doctor's words pulled Luna’s thoughts back to reality. She lifted her head, stared at the doctor in front of her dazedly, and said, “You mean... Granny's relapse was because she was poisoned?"

"Yeah." Janet looked at the medical records in front of her, her gaze deep and unfathomable. "Previously, even though she would suffer some of the symptoms from time to time, it progressed slowly, and didn't cause much damage. This time, since she suffered a relapse in the afternoon, a few hours later at night, we almost lost her..."


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