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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 1739

Luna felt a little dazed when she heard Joshua's low voice.

Would she be willing to return to Banyan City with him if they were not mortal enemies?

She did not know the answer.

Even if they were not enemies, she knew that she was not the most important thing to him.

This was the man who was willing to help Hunter Quinn to keep her in jail over his vengeance toward her family.

Was a man like this even capable of loving her fully, even if they were not enemies?

Luna was not sure of the answer.

Even though she had known for a long time that she was the most important woman to him-even more so than Aura, Alice, and even Fiona-she still knew that t o him, love was not the most important thing in his life.

Joshua treasured his family and himself more than any woman. 1

Luna's silence was already an answer.

Joshua curled his lips into a bitter smile and could not help recalling what Theo had told him the night


"In the past, you were so important to Luna that she was unwilling to sleep with anyone else apart from you."

At one point, he had meant so much to Luna that she would not betray him, no matter what, but at present, i n a twist of fate, she hesitated to even return home with him, even when he begged.

What did he do to her that rendered her so disappointed in him?

Soon, he arrived at Rosalyn's room, and he gently set Luna down on the ground.

Luna had managed to recover her strength on their way here, so as soon as her feet touched the ground, she immediately stormed into the room.

The sight before her made her feel like crying.

Rosalyn was lying on the bed with tubes and medical equipment attached to her. Both her breathing and heart rate were terrifyingly weak.


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