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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 177

When Luna woke up the next day, Neil had already headed to kindergarten on his own.

He had prepared breakfast for her before he left and left a note that read, [Mommy, by the time you read this, I've already left for school. Please remember to take your meals and keep your wound dry. Also, I've left this for you.]

Underneath the note was a pregnancy test kit. 2

Luna perched on the side of the bed as she read the note. She glanced at the plate of food as well as the pregnancy test kit on the table. Her eyes started to tear up. Her children's thoughtfulness over her tugged at her heartstrings.

She hesitated for a moment before getting up and heading into the bathroom, taking the pregnancy test with her.

Only one line. She was not pregnant, after all.

Luna let out a wry smile and tossed the pregnancy test into the trash can. She should have known that it would not be so easy. Her life had never been easy.

After she washed up, Luna sat down at the dining table. She ate her breakfast while mulling over what t 0 do next when, all of a sudden, the doorbell rang.

Thinking it was Anne, Luna went to get the door with

half a slice of toast still hanging from her mouth.

"Ms. Luna!" rang a loud male voice as soon as she opened the door. Luna immediately jolted in shock.

"Good day!" beamed a man dressed in a black suit smilingly as he handed her his name card. "My name i s Wesley Fisher, and I'm the head of human resources at the jewelry branch under Lynch Group. I received instructions from Mr. Lynch himself to inform you that you’ve been accepted into the internship program at the department of design under Lynch Group’s jewelry branch.”

Luna’s face twitched at his announcement." Internship?"


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