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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 2013

Bonnie's memories of her stay at the orphanage surged into her mind.

Number-12 was none other than Charlotte

Bonnie had seen photos of Charlotte before she suffered her burns before, and at this moment, she was certain that Charlotte and Number-12 were the same people!

Charlotte was the tiny, timid little girl who followed her everywhere and with whom she shared her food, and she had even constantly called Bonnie her big sister!

Because of that, before Bonnie left the orphanage, she had given Charlotte all the red clothes she liked and even warned the rest of the children not to bully Charlotte. She had told them that from that day onward, Number-12 was the new Number-9, and no one was allowed to take advantage of her.

It did not matter that she was adopted. If anyone were to bully Number-12, she would return to the orphanage to whip their asses!

At that time, Bonnie truly thought of Charlotte as her friend, but...

It turned out that when Jim returned to the orphanage for her, Charlotte had taken her place and stolen her identity!

As soon as she thought of this, Bonnie felt as though an invisible hand was squeezing her heart.

"Bonnie." Seeing that Bonnie was staring at him but not saying anything, Jim furrowed his brows and shot her a stern look, frostily snapping, "Who allowed you to come into the main building without my permission?" He had been clear with her the night before; she was to stay in the tiny house in the yard and he in the main building so that their paths would not cross!

However, not only had she barged into the main building without his permission, but she even eavesdropped on his conversation with Roanne!

What was she trying to do?

Did Bonnie think that she had somehow won the battle just because Charlotte was not here and got cocky?

Jim could not believe that just that night before, he had been wondering whether he and Bonnie had truly shared a past together.

This woman knew no limits, and she was beginning to get on his nerves!

"I...” Bonnie bit her lip ?f-


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