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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 2041

"I couldn't believe my ears when I heard this.

"Shelly is still so young, barely two months old. How could someone do this to her?"

Quentin had indeed sent his men over to Landry Mansion to kill the wretched baby, but . they had been one step too late.

When his men arrived, the only thing they saw was Sean chasing after a car after the baby had been abducted.

This was why Charlotte had come to find Jim; she could not fathom who could have wanted this child.

However, no matter who it was, as long as the child was still alive, she would not be able to rest until she found her!

She could not let Jim find out that Shelly was not her daughter at all, at least not before the wedding.

As soon as she thought of this, Charlotte lifted her head to stare tearfully at Jim’s handsome, chiseled face. "Have you found any clues, Jim?"

Jim narrowed his eyes and told Charlotte about the car's license plate number.

"Are you saying that...whoever kidnapped Shelly was driving a car that impersonated one of the Quinn family's?" Charlotte bit her lip in disbelief, her entire body frozen as though she had been struck by lightning.

A car that bore the license plate of the Quinn family...

If she remembered correctly, Quentin had told them to go to an abandoned car yard when they first arrived in Merchant City because they could not afford to get a new car.

At that time, he had sent someone to help them, and that person had given them a car that bore the license plate of a broken-down vehicle belonging to the Quinn family.

Roanne had fallen in love with the vehicle and wanted to claim it as her own, but at that time, Charlotte had been cautious about using this car, worried that someone would find out about their connection with the Quinn family. Because of this, she had even scolded Roanne and forbade her from ever driving this car.

As soon as she thought of this, Charlotte lifted her head to stare at Jim. "Jim, where's Roanne?"

Jim furrowed his brows and suddenly realized that this was the first time he had ever heard Charlotte bring up Roanne after she had moved out ;d.:VNR< gone to live in the city center.

It was as though she had forgotten Roanne existed ever since she moved out of Landry Mansion.


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