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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 2331

Joshua lifted his head to glance at Gwen, who was sitting out in the garden, in the middle of a conversation with Luna. "This time, the doctor isn't exaggerating."

Something was very wrong.

"You say you're pregnant with Luke's child? " The afternoon sun seeped into the gazebo where Luna and Gwen were chatting in the garden. Luna was staring, eyes wide in shock, at Gwen. "You're not kidding, are you? Didn't the doctor in Sea City say..."

"The doctor said I'd have a hard time getting pregnant in the future, but it's not entirely impossible." Gwen took a sip from her cup and instinctively glanced toward the living room. After making sure that Luke was not staring in their direction, she let out an exhale and said in a low voice," Please help me keep this a secret, and don't tell Luke.

"I'm not in my best health right now.

Previously, when we were still in Sea City, he was willing to raise another man's child as his own after knowing that an abortion would wreak dramatic effects on my health.

"I'm worried that if he finds out about the health implications of keeping this baby, he'll force me to terminate this pregnancy...

Luna frowned, staring at Gwen's face. She wanted to say something, but a split second later, she let out a sigh and clasped Gwen's hand instead. "Gwennie, you have to really think this over... Are you sure you want to keep this baby?

"As a mother, I speak from experience when I say...if you don't want to have anything to do with Luke in the future, please don’t bring his child into this world.

"This child will become the only link between the two of you, and one day, you'll be forced to stay with him because of it."


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