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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 2393

Could Sean and the girl working for Luke have gone to meet this celebrity?

Even though Luna knew that Sean's personality and upbringing made it highly unlikely that he would do something like this...she could not say the same for Luke's assistant.

After all, Thomas Howard was someone so handsome that even Anne, who came in contact with aesthetically perfect faces all the time, fawned over him so vividly.

With this in mind, it would make perfect sense that Luke's assistant was a fan of Thomas Howard!

Just as Luna was pondering this, her phone rang.

It was a call from Joey, an old pupil of hers. "Master Moon, have you seen the news? Thomas Howard has arrived in Merchant City, but the better news is, his assistant has gotten in touch with me!

"Thomas Howard wants to become an ambassador for your jewelry! This is a once -in-a-lifetime opportunity! Didn't you say you wanted to restart your career in jewelry design?

"Thomas Howard's assistant told me on the phone that he has fallen in love with your designs and is willing to become an ambassador for your pieces no matter which brand you’re working for-even if it's a nameless, newly launched company.

"Not only that, but he's offering an insanely cheap price for his advertising!"

Joey was so excited by this news that his voice had turned croaky. "Master Moon, I know you've already retired and are no longer designing new pieces under the pseudonym Moon. I've already clarified this to Thomas Howard's assistant, but do you know what he said to me?

"He said that as long as it's you, they don't care whether you use your old pseudonym or which brand you're working with. As long as it's your design, they're willing to take it!"

Luna furrowed her brows, and despite how overjoyed Joey sounded, she did not seem to feel the same excitement. "And then what?"

The calmness in Luna's voice almost sent him leaping into the air in exasperation." What do you mean, and then what? We should find a chance to meet this Thomas Howard in person!

"After all, it would cost hundreds of millions just getting a celebrity like him to work with us, :h$?UMY: now, he's offering us his services at only a few million dollars -one-one-hundredth of the price! This is an offer that we cannot refuse. Aren’t you seeing this, Master Moon?


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