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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 2812

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tina despised hearing things like this, so she immediately flew into a rage when she heard her own son talking this way. "Can you not be such a party pooper? We were celebrating our victory! What could've gone wrong?"

She strode over to Dan and snatched the laptop out of his hands. "We've won. Unless that old geezer somehow was raised from the dead, there's no way we could've failed. Besides, haven't we already confirmed his death? How could he possibly be revived?"

Before she could even finish her sentence, she caught sight of the image on the screen.

Senior Howard was dead, alright, but at this moment, she was staring at an image of him before his demise.

In the video, Senior Howard was leaning against his headboard, wearing the familiar hospital gown. His face appeared pale, but his voice was just as boisterous as ever.

"If you're watching this video, it means that I'm probably dead by now, but there are some things I'd like to clarify to the world.

"If I'm still alive, these secrets might never even see the light, but now that I'm dead, I wish everyone to find out the truth."

With that, he let out an exhale and brought out a stack of documents. "If it weren't for Mr. Lynch's help, I would never have discovered that I had raised a son that wasn't even my own for over two decades!"

He flipped open the folder, revealing the contents inside.

It was a DNA report comparing two samples: one that belonged to Dan and the other to Senior Howard.

However, a row of words at the bottom of the page read, [Sample A and Sample B displayed no genetic similarities to each other.]

Tina gasped when she saw this.

How could this be?


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