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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 3047

Everyone fell silent when they heard this.

They were all terrified of Tyson because he was a ruthless man who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

Luke, however, was different. Back when he was in charge, he treated everybody with respect, even the lowly ones.

If they were to choose…they would no doubt choose to serve Luke!

"Boss." All of a sudden, a man who had been silent all this while stood up and strode over to Luke, then bowed. "Ever since you left, we were all forced to serve Tyson. If you're willing to come back, I'm sure all of us will change alliances. None of us want to live like worms for the rest of our lives."

With that, he lifted his head to stare earnestly at Luke. "Are you willing to come back?"

Luke smiled. "Live like worms? Are you talking about the way you treated this lady just because Tyson ordered you to? If I hadn't shown up just in time, you all would've continued abusing her, thinking she was Gwen, right?

"Even before knowing my identity, none of you even showed me, Kurt, nor this woman any mercy. Yet now after knowing I'm Luke, you claim you were forced to live like worms?"

With that, he chuckled and glanced at the men before him. "Worms, indeed."

Everyone paled. They all knew what Luke was trying to say.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Kurt tried to salvage the situation for fear that these men would change their minds and attack them. "I know all of you are good people, just forced to do bad things by Tyson, but from Boss' point of view, he can't accept the fact that you all tried to take advantage of his woman like that…

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves! Let this be a lesson. Think this over before you even consider coming back to us!"

Everyone nodded.


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