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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 349

Luna frowned and turned around instinctively.

Behind her, a middle-aged man stood, supporting himself with a cane, glaring at her with eyes full of barely veiled contempt.

Beside him, Joshua stood, expressionless.

The middle-aged man was the one who spoke.

He held the authority in the Walter family, Hailey's father, Dennis Walter.

Seeing Luna turn her back, Dennis snorted coldly, "In these 50 plus years of my life, this is the first time someone has dared to dishonor the Walter family like this at a banquet organized by us!"

Luna raised her lips in a smile.

She lifted her eyes, meeting him fearlessly. "Mr.

Walter, you merely witnessed how I disrespected your family, then did you see how your family disrespected me?"

With that, she raised her hand and pointed at the guestlist Gwen used to humiliate her. "This afternoon Ms. Walter personally asked me for my name, and gave me an invitation card. I came here as a designer for the Lynch Group. And now? Not only is my name not on the guestlist, but instead Mrs. Lynch's name appeared on the guestlist. I was accused of trying to

take Mrs. Lynch's place, but Ms. Walter told me the guestlist can’t be edited any longer, and asked me to say. Requesting on purpose, and then intentionally ignoring me, finally when I was attacked and questioned, brushing it off as a simple mistake that can't be changed. Is this the respect you mentioned?"

Her words shot at him like cannon-fire, every sentence strong and just.

The old Mr. Walter frowned and scoffed, "It’s just a wrong name, there's no reason to cause such a fuss! Don’t tell me you want us to apologize to you?"

"Uncle, don't you think I deserve an apology?"

The moment her words left her mouth, Joshua, who was standing beside him, started laughing coldly.

He lifted his feet and walked toward Luna, cold eyes sweeping across the surrounding crowd. "The more solemn the occasion, the more important it is to pay attention to detail. If today Ms. Walter came to my house and was treated in this manner, can you remain as cool and calm as you are now, uncle?"


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