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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 447

Joshua raised his eyebrows.

He never expected this would be the first question his son would ask him after spending days apart from each other.

He glanced at his son out of the corners of his eyes." You seem reluctant to see your Mommy and I reconcile with each other?"

Neil paused. He turned his head, looked at Joshua solemnly, then lifted two fingers.

"Firstly, I never accepted Ms. Alice Gibson. To me, she was never my Mommy. My Mommy is Luna. Secondly, my likes or dislikes, are they important to you, Mr. Lynch? If you really considered our thoughts and feelings, then you would not force my sister and I to d o the things we do not want to do, for example, taking us back to Blue Bay Villa now. Finally, I don't care about you and Alice, I just wanted to find out why your attitude toward her took a 180 degree turn after returning from Sea City."

Before they left, they were already separated, and had even announced they would set a date and sign the divorce papers. But not long after they arrived in Sea City, they reconciled and were as loving as ever. And, from the looks of it, they had even grown more intimate with each other than before.

Joshua narrowed his eyes slightly. What caused the change in his attitude toward Alice? It had to be the night after the banquet. That night, he was drunk, and that was the first time he was intimate with Alice after they reunited. He found the feeling he had back then when he was with Luna Gibson. His memories of that night were fuzzy. But the way she called him dear, time and time again, made him reluctant to divorce her.

Even if Alice had turned into the woman that she was right now. But still, she was still the woman who once gave up everything for him, the woman who he missed and yearned for for six whole years.

The next morning after he woke up, he looked at Alice who lay in bed beside him, and suddenly, he did not want to divorce her anymore.

It was all his fault. If back then, she was not with him, then she would not have to go through all of this, and would not turn into the woman she was right now.

He was the one who turned her, took away her kindness and innocence.

If now, he discarded her again with a fling of his hand, then she would have nothing. That’s why he chose to patiently bear with everything that she did, and remain married to her. He believed deep down; she was still as kind as always. If he tried hard enough, she would turn into the Luna Gibson who she once was.

But he could not explain all these to his son.

And so, the man sucked in a deep breath and laughed lightly, "It must be love that changed my mind, made me decide not divorce her.”

Even though the children did not understand the concept of love, in their memories, they remembered, i t must be love that kept their parents together, right?


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