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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 458

"It's already 8am. It’s about time she wakes up and has breakfast."

Neil frowned at Alice's words and immediately stretched his arms out to block Alice's path. "No. Mommy's still sleeping. We can't wake her."

Of course, Alice did not listen to him at all. She stood next to the door and shouted at the top of her lungs," Luna! Luna! It's 8am now, time to get up! I’ve made you breakfast! You’re supposed to head to the company with Joshua at 9am for your meeting! Luna!"

Alice's voice was deafening, and she finally managed t o wake Luna up from her slumber. The latter jolted awake and glanced at the time-it was 8am. She had only managed to sleep three hours.

Despite that, however, she knew that Alice was right. She had to go to work, so she crawled out of bed and muttered, "Thank you. I’ll be down in a while."

Seeing that Luna was awake, a hint of triumph flashed across Alice's eyes. She chuckled and stared a t Luna with a gentle expression as she said, "I've made you breakfast. You should eat it while it’s still hot.

Why don't we go downstairs now?"

Luna paused for a moment, then nodded at her." Thank you." With that, she let out a yawn and slowly trudged towards the bathroom.

"We’re all waiting for you to have breakfast. You'd better come downstairs soon!" Alice reminded her before she turned and disappeared down the stairs.

Neil stood in front of the bathroom door and stared at Luna with his arms crossed. "Why are you so tired today? Didn't you fall asleep around the same time as we did?"

Nellie gazed at Luna's dark eye circles with an expression of concern. "Mommy, why don’t you get some more rest? Neil and I can go downstairs for breakfast first."

Luna glanced at her two children and smiled. "It's okay. It's about time I wake up anyway since I have to work today." With that, she let out another yawn and started washing up.

By the time the three of them came downstairs, everyone was already seated in the dining room. To their surprise, however, Joshua and Alice were not the only ones there. Adrian and Granny Lynch were present as well.


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