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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 579

Luna's sudden turn-around startled the employees that stood behind her.

One of them eyed the Bluetooth earphones that Luna was wearing and asked cautiously, "You...can hear us?"

Luna furrowed her brows.

Of course she could.

She was wearing her Bluetooth earphones because she had called Neil on her way to Lynch Group Tower and forgot to take them off when she got out of the taxi.

These people thought she could not hear her, so that was why they even dared to gossip about her right behind her.

Luna did not want to get involved, but she could no longer tolerate their ever-growing atrocity.

She narrowed her eyes and glanced at the woman who had spoken. "You still haven’t answered my question. What happened to Irene?"

The woman hesitated for a moment before finally handing Luna her phone. "Take a look at it yourself... W e didn't want to believe this at first, but look at this chat history..."

Luna frowned, took the phone from her, and glanced a t it.

A chuckle escaped her as she read what was on the screen. It was a screenshot of chat history.

Someone named 'Alice' had lured Irene to an abandoned place last night, causing her to get beaten u p and tortured by some men.

This person claimed she was Luna, so Irene had screenshotted their entire conversation and spread it around. She even threatened to lodge a police report using these screenshots as evidence.

Luna felt amused by this. She had been with Joshua ever since she came out of the restaurant last night, and she was also with him at the time Irene was attacked. How could she be the perpetrator, then?

Luna read the rest of the conversation with a bemused smile, then glanced at the employee who had shown it to her. "Does she think she can accuse me based on a few screenshots?"

She gave the phone back to the woman and said, "You guys used to gossip about me all the time, right? If I'm such a resourceful person as Irene claims, then how could all of you possibly be standing here? I would've gotten rid of you a long time ago."

The group of employees fell silent as soon as they heard this.

Suddenly, the elevator arrived at the design department, so Luna gracefully strode out of the elevator without looking back.

Did Irene truly believe she could accuse Luna of assault based on a few screenshots? How naive was she?


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