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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 651

Alice searched Joshua's hotel room for an hour and even sifted through every single piece of paper in his briefcase, but still could not find anything.

The divorce agreement papers seemingly vanished into thin air without even a single trace.

An hour later, she heard someone knock on the door, followed by Lucas' low voice. "Sir, it's time to go to Larson Group for your meeting.”

"Sir?" After waiting for a long time but heard no response, Lucas frowned and fished out the backup keys in his pocket. Then, he shoved it in the keyhole, about to open the door.

Alice immediately panicked when she heard the sound of keys jangling outside and exclaimed, "Don’t come in! Joshua and I are in the room together!"

Lucas immediately stopped in his tracks. "Ma'am, it’s time for Sir to attend his meeting. Everyone from Larson Group is waiting for him."

Alice frantically put everything back in their place." Alright!" With that, she quickly walked over to Joshua and rocked him awake, calling his name in a gentle voice, "Joshua? Joshua? Why did you fall asleep?”

It took a while for Joshua to wake up, slowly opening his eyes at last. "What happened?"

Alice gave him a faint smile. "It's time for your meeting at Larson Group. Lucas has been waiting for you for a long time now."

Joshua yawned and immediately stood up, grabbing his jacket before he strode out the door.

Seeing how Joshua did not seem suspicious, Alice sighed in relief and slumped onto the sofa.

Outside the hotel room.

Joshua strolled into the elevator, still clutching his jacket. As soon as the elevator doors closed, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Lucas, prepare some medicine for me."

Lucas froze. "What medicine?"

"Alice is trying to drug me.”


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