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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 661

The atmosphere in the room fell silent.

Alice's face turned an even paler shade of white. She... had inadvertently revealed something she should not have...

Joshua fixated his cold gaze on Alice. "The reason you didn't do anything bad to Luna lately isn't that you had changed. It’s because Luna and I had maintained a distance and didn't see each other all this while, right?

"Alice, you never once thought you were wrong, did you? You didn't even try to reflect on your mistakes, and instead, you sent some men to follow me around, didn't you?"

Alice could not say a single word in response to Joshua’s interrogation.

She could tell that Joshua was furious.

Alice closed her eyes in hopelessness.

No matter what kind of outrageous stuff she did in the past, Joshua had never once gotten angry at her at all. Even though he found out that she had spiked his food with sedatives, Joshua did not even yell at her.


Alice sat on the carpet and clenched her fists in anger.

She lifted her head to stare at Joshua. "Yes, I did. I

know about all the times you slept with Luna. Joshua Lynch, I'm your wife, and Luna is the mistress! She's the one breaking up our marriage. Am I wrong for trying to get rid of her and stopping her from seducing my husband?

"Besides, the reason you're asking for a divorce right now is all because of that b*tch, isn't it?”

Since there was no point in hiding the truth, Alice decided to come clean with everything and accuse Luna of breaking up their marriage.

Maybe, just maybe, Joshua would come to his senses and pity her.

When she thought of this, Alice immediately let out an exhale and tried to pile all the blame on Luna." Everything was fine between us for the last two months that you stayed away from Luna, but what happened now? You met up with Luna, and immediately the next day, you came to Sea City along with her!

"I came all the way to Sea City, and on my first day here, you decided to divorce me? It's all her fault! She’s a sl*tty b*tch! You-"


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