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Will You Marry Me, My Ex-Wife? novel Chapter 675

Alice continued to cackle, even when Joshua stared at her incredulously. He glared at her as he picked up his phone, ordering with an unstable voice, "Lucas, locate Luna immediately, and contact those abroad to check on Neil and Nellie! Quick!"

Suddenly, Alice's phone rang.

"It's too late." Alice's lips twisted smirk as she brandished her phone at Joshua. "This phone call means my plan has already succeeded." With that, she picked up the call.

Joshua could not hear what the other person was saying, but he could see Alice's smile growing wider and wider.

Hanging up on the call and tossing her phone to the floor, she picked up the knife again and held it against her neck. "Joshua Lynch, I loved you so much that I even willingly turned myself into this monster for you, but you never appreciated my efforts. You never loved me back.

"Even if the outcome wasn't what I expected, but...it's good enough for me! Since I killed your children, you probably won't let me get out of here alive either."

With that, she let out an exhale and swung the blade toward her neck.

However, to her surprise, Joshua turned around

coldly, not even giving her a second glance.

Alice’s hand started to tremble at the sight. She watched Joshua leave, feeling as though someone had stabbed her right at her heart.

Joshua walked away from her while talking into his phone at the same time, asking for Luna and the children’s whereabouts.

He did not even bother turning around to check if she was alright.

Alice could hear the voice of one of Luke's bodyguards ring out in the distance, "What about the lady who’s attempting suicide on the rooftop-’’

"Let her die."

These three syllables penetrated right through Alice’s body and engulfed her entire being in despair.

Nothing in the world hurt more than witnessing the cruelty the person one loved most harbored toward them.

She gave up everything she ever had for this man, yet he never loved her back.


Alice pierced the knife into her skin, staining the blade bright red.


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