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Winning Her Heart back (Emelie and William) novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118 A Small Red Mole Below Her Earlobe 

After leaving Starlight Law Finn, Elias hopped into his sports car and called William 

Guess who I ran into at Ashley’s office, Will?” 

Ms. Hoven.Ellaschackled, finding it amusing, I wonder what she wanted to consult Ashley about. Could it be because you blocked her from finding work

She’s at her wit’s end. That’s why she plans to sue you.” 

William leaned back in his chair, one hand propping his temple, eyes hooded

Elias continued. If she bad poise to any other lawyri, no big deal, But Ashley is tough to handle ” 

Willum merely granted oh” 

Eliaschuckled. But what are friends for? II she’s troublesome, I’ll handle her for you 

william changed the subject. When’s your wedding?” 

Mom’s afraid of delays, so she set it on the fifth of next month. I wanted you to be my best man, but Mom said your prolonged bachelorhood is inauspicines. She insisted on Jayden” 

Elias sighed. Everyone knows Jayden and his girlfriend have been together since high school

That’s a decadelong relationship without breaking up. What an inspiration to us all!” 

After som 

some idle chat, William hung up

Considering what Fabian uncovered and Ellas’s comments

ts, William grabbed his car keys and lett the office 

Leaving the law firm, Emelie purchased fruit and supplements at the mall

Afterward, she bought a bouquet in the hospital lobby

First, she asked the service desic She wanted to know which room the injured nurse from yesterday’s incident was in 

The nurse recognized her immediately. You’re the family member of the one causing trouble, aren’t you

Emelie paused, then said, I want to apologize to Ms. Ingrid Hoopes. Can you tell me her room number?” 

Who knows if you’re apologizing or up to something else? Sorry, we can’t tell you where Ingrid is. Leave now!” 

Emelie thought for a moment. Ingrid’s injury was to herneck, so she tried the general surgery department

Going room to room, she finally found Ingrid in the VIP ward 

Ingrid had bandages wrapped around her neck. Her complexion was pallid as her mother, Wren, fød her

Emelie stepped inside. Hello, Ms. Hoopes.” 

Ingrid and Wren looked up

Emelie was sincere. I came to see you. I’m sorry. My dad acted impulsively yesterday and Injured you. I apologize on his behall 

She offered the gilts. Twill cover all your medical expenses. I’m so sorry.” 

Before Ingrid could respond, Wien erupted angrily

Apologies won’t help! Don’t you Imow your father nearly slit my daughter’s that? She almost died!” 

Yes, I admit it’s all our fault. I hope Ms. Hoopes can recover well. My dad didn’t intend ham. He was distraught over my mother losing the heart for transplant and 

Before Emelle could finish speaking, Wren threw the glass of water at her face

Emelie instinctively closed her eyes as Wren yelled in anger, My daughter is just a nurse Whatever disputes you have with the hospital are your business

How dare you injure my daughter like this! You want us to forgive him? Dream on! Get out! Take your things and get out!” 

When raised her hand to slap Emelie, who didn’t dodge

But, a second before the slap landed, Wren’s hand was caught 

A man’s voice, fim yet gentle, intervened. Let’s be tair. Her father was wrong to injure someone, but it’s also inappropriate for you to hit her rashly,” 

Emelie looked up. The hospital’s bright lights reflected off Samoel’s glasses, briefly blinding her 

Get out! Both of you get out! We will never agree to a settlement! We’re going to make sure he goes to jail!” 

Weenshoved Emelie out, tossed her belongings after her, and slammed the door shut loudly

Emelle sighed. Samuel took a tissue from his pocket and helped wipe the water off her face

She wasn’t wearing makeup. Her skin was clean but lacking color

Emelie looked at him, Mr. Swanson, what are you doing here

I stumbled upon a video of you online. So, I guessed you’d come to the hospital today and decided to check” 

Information could easily be leaked and accessed online nowadays. It was not surprising that Samuel lie about Ronan’s hospital incident 

Emelie took the tissue from him and casually tucked her damp hair behind her eat, Samwel noticed a small red inole resting below her earlobe, oddly enchanting

Chapter 119 Her Intention 

Samuel averted his eyes and crouched to retrieve the fallen fruit, putting it back in the basket

Enelle helped gather them, rearranging the basket neatly. She left it outside the room, telling the nurse that these were for Ingrid. Whether Ingrid accepted it was up to her. The gesture was Emelir’s

Smelle and Samuel left the ward together to the elevator, Samuel glanced at her, his eyes downcast. Don’t be angry,he said softly. Emelle smiled faintly, I’m not. Wren lashed out because my father harmed her daughter. If someone hurt me, my parents would react the same way


It was a matter of empathy. So she understood and couldn’t abandon her father. Samuel spoke calmly, I suggest not seeing them again for now.I have to. I need their forgiveness so my father gets a reduced sentence. As the elevator reached the ground floor, they walked out side by side

Emelie spoke softly, I know it won’t be easy. They’re only human. But if I sincerely visit enough times, they’ll eventually calm down. Once they’re willing to discuss compensation, it’ll be easier” 

Samuel frowned, imagining the indignities she would have to endure

He looked at her with pity, So, what do you plan to do now?” 

I’m going to meet with the hospital management, I want to try to gain their understanding ” 

They won’t meet you during this sensitive time.” 

know. But my friend introduced me to one of them, Mr. Ben Smith. I’ll test the waters first.” 

They met Ben at the hospital’s backdoor

Samuel kept watch

Ben glanced around before speaking quietly

This incident already sparked online outrage, Management is watching public sentiment closely before deciding on a stance. Right now, nothing is certain.” 

If public opinion leaned toward sympathy, they’d let it go

But if anger demanded harsh punishment, they’d pursue charges

Emelie bit her lip. Can’t you meet the other people in the management team? Let me try reasoning with them.” 

It’s too sensitive right now. I’m already talding a risk meeting you

If anyone sees us, they’ll accuse me of taldne bribes from you.” 

Emelie didn’t press further, thanking him instead. The leader hurriedly lett 

Emelie walked over to Samuel, forcing a joke. What an honor for a distinguished professor like yourself to be my 



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