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Winning Her Heart back (Emelie and William) novel Chapter 176

Chapter 176 Lingering Feelings 

Felle said, You seem to like sharing your personal affairs with me. Ever since we were on the plane, you’ve been telling me everything.” 

She added, 1 thought people usually like being private, yet you seem to like sharing about it. Do you have any weird kinks?” 

Patricia smirked. Does it bother you? Because of what happened with Mr. Middleton? Are you jealous

Deep down, you still have feelings for him, don’t you? After all, you did spend three years with him. It’s not easy to just cut ties like that.” 

Emelie didn’t take the bait. She replied with her own point, if you do have a condition, I suggest you see a psychologist. Not everyone enjoys hearing about someone’s personal life all the time

It can be uncomfortable. But if you consider me a rival and talk about your relationships to show off or irk me, then you’re wasting your 

Patricia’s smirk began to fade

Emelle continued, I’m upset, yes, but not for the reasons you think I’m annoyed because your lack of professionalism has put us both in a difficult position

I spent all night preparing the project plans for today so we could work efficiently, not be gossiped about or have our reputations questioned. Now people think I’m like you, relying on relationships with men to get ahead” 

Emelie didn’t sugarenat her words, leaving Patricia nowhere to hide

Patricia’s face, which usually carried a seductive and charraing smile, now showed no expression. But if she hadn’t repeatedly overstepped her bounds, Emelle wouldn’t have felt compelled to say these things

Emelie offered one last piece of achtice, I have no interest in Mr. Middleton. Whatever you two do is none of my business.. 

What you Leasure might be worthless to someone elsenot everyone finds it appealing. A person should value selfrespect, Ms. May. So maybe try loving yourself a bit more.” 

Selfrespect. Patricia muttered, and she smirked. However, her eyes remained cold. Yes, to you, I’m just an undignified, flirtatious woman, right?” 

Emelie hadn’t quite meant it that way, but she chose not to clarity

Patricia’s paze shifted back to her

Emelie had a welldefined bone structure, and her features were bold and balanced, she could pull off any makeup style, be it heavy or subtle. People would say she was the kind of beauty with a ce made for the screen‘ 

Patricia had noticed her the first time they met on the cruise ship, watching how she played poker with a group of executives on the second floor

she had navigated through the situation and eventually secured bet safety. Even Bryan had praised her for turning a bad hand into a successful escape. It was a testament to her 

Emelie had beauty, but it seemed like her looks were the least remarkable thing about her

It was much untilor Patricia, who now had to rely on her looks, weaving through a sea of men

You’ve got quite a talent for lecturing. Ms. Hoven,Patricia said nonchalantly. You should consider career as a morals and ethics teacher. I have some contacts in tharfield it you’re interested

No thanks,Emelie replied curtly, having had enough of her, and turned to get into the car

Patricia turned her head. Ms. Hoven, I know it’s not easy for you, but why don’t you just take the easy way? Isn’t cloudex Corporation a nice place? Wouldn’t it be great to go back to William? It’s rare for him to lower his head to someone

So, come back to memeant William was humbling himself. Emek had thought it was a command

She didn’t respond. She got into the car and saw Patricia walk away, but she didn’t know where to. Not wanting to waste more time on Patricia, she told the driver, Let’s go to the next location.” 

Patricia went to the office where she’d heard the gossipers. They were all still there. She kicked over the trash can, and

dit fell with a loud crash, starting everyone inside

She leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, her red dress catching everyone’s eye. Her smile was seductive, but her eyes were cold and dangerous


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