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Winning Her Heart back (Emelie and William) novel Chapter 222

Chapter 222 Masked Desire 

Emelie frowned, striding over and bending down to help him remove it with a single hand. As she moved, her hair cascaded forward, lightly brushing her chest. William unconsciously turned his head and caught a hint of her scent 

He lifted his gaze, focusing on her sharply defined nose. He was close enough to discern even the fine hairs on its tip. And just below, her lips awaited

William’s eyes clouded as her hair grazed his shoulder by accident. He started replaying their recent intimacy in the utility room

Back then, he’d been farious upon discovering Wesley had been covertly watching her, even going as far as confronting her. So, when he had her, his actions had been more about teaching her a lesson than losing himself in desire

Now, unexpectedly, he felt a pang of regret. Emelie couldn’t ignore the way his temperature rose subtly

They’d been together for three years, and she knew him well enough to sense it. Warly, she glanced up at him

Williams swiftly masked any hint of desire in his eyes. His demeanor turned cold in an instant

Noticing her scrutiny, he arched an eyebrow and prodded impatiently, Harry it up. How long do you plan on leaving me hanging here

or maybe you want me to catch a cold while injured, adding insult to injury in your revenge scheme?” 

Thanks for the brilliantidea,Emelie mused sarcastically. She never would’ve come up with such a twisted plan herself 

Emelie’s face twisted with exasperation as she handed him a fresh hospital gown and helped him into it. Away from Emelie’s sight, a faint smile tugged at William’s lips

He had to keep his desire under wraps for now, if she caught onto it, she’d definitely run. There wasn’t moch he could do at the moment, but once he was back on his feetShe’d soon find out

At the ER that day, the doctor had been clear: You need to stay in the hospital for two days for IV fluids.” 

Yet, the next day, after Emelle finished her TV, she asked the nurse if she could go home

Discharged already?? the nurse replied skeptically, Nope, sorry. You’ve got more treatments scheduled for the next two days.” 

Emelle was puzzled. Why? That doesn’t make sense. I only got five stitches on my arm. Two days of antibiotics should be enough.” 

The nurse shrugged Not sure, hon. That’s what the doc ordered. But you’re definitelyon the schedule for more IV, so there’s gotta be a reason for It” 

With that, the curse turned and left. Emelle furrowed her brows, feeling increasingly agitated. She had expected a quick twoday stint, but now it seemed she was in for four

William casually scrolled through emails on his tablet and remarked in acalm tone, just do what the doctor says. You’re not the expect here.” 

His recovery was impressively swift just yesterday, even the smallest movements had been a struggle, but today, he looked noticeably better

He ran such a large corporation, with countless decisions needing his attention every day, and he was already back to work. He gestured. Have your laptop brought over. You can work from your bed; it won’t be a waste of time.” 

Emelie understood that all too well, yet the thought of enduring another two days with him left her uneasy and unsettled

Samuel delivered her lunch and, noticing she wasn’t hooked up to an IV, casually inquired, So you can be discharged today, right?” 

Emelle pressed her lips together. The nurse just told me I still have IV treatments scheduled for the next two days.” 

Samuel frowned briefly but maintained his composure. Take your time. Getting healthy is what matters most” 

William shifted his gaze. Blossom Clove has signed the contract. We can start the construction today. Mr. Swanson, you can begin gathering data.” 


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