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Winning Her Heart back (Emelie and William) novel Chapter 234

Chapter 234 Taking Orders

Emelie wanted to ask more about Leonard, but the guard interrupted, Visiting hours are over. Family members, please leave.” 

She could only take back her words and stood up. She then said to Ronan, I’ll discuss this with the lawyer and figure out what to do

“Just focus on recovering for now. Don’t worry about anything at home. We’re all waiting for you to come back.” 

Ronan nodded absentmindedly and repeated, As long as you’re all okay, that’s all that matters…” 

Leaving the ward, Emelie found Ashley waiting outside

Ever straightforward, Ashley said, Lasked the prison staff about what happened. Other inmates confirmed that Leonard provoked your father first. But since they both fought, they’ll both be punished.” 

What kind of punishment will he get?” 

Seven days in solitary confinement” 

This meant Ronan’s sentence would be extended by a few days

It was the best outcome, considering the circumstances. If things had been more severe, he could have faced new charges and a court trial, resulting in a much longer sentence

The prison guards didn’t allow Ronan to stay outside for long. As soon as Emelie left, four prison guards carried him away on a stretcher

Emebe followed them downstairs, watching until they drove off in a police vehicle. She felt somewhat restless

Ashley suggested they sit on a bench for awhile. They had rushed out and hadn’t even had breakdnst yet. So she went to get some food from a nearby store 

Meanwhile, William was in his car on the way to the office. He listened to Ashton, who was updating him about the company’s affairs from the front seat

The initial preparations for the Wimstour Cry project are almost complete. Mr. Gleamfield and Mr. Swanson will handle the final touches and should be back in a few days.” 

Willam merely acknowledged with a hum. His expression remained indifferent Ashton had a distinct feeling that the multimilliondollar project didn’t interest William much at the moment 

Pausing, she put down her documents and said, Ms. Hoven’s father got into a scuttle with someone. What started as an argument escalated into a fight. Both of them were injured and taken to an external hospital for treatment last night” 

Fighting in prison? Willam sneered No wonder he once took a medical statt hostage

Ashton didn’t know how to respond to that William couldn’t understand why Emelie would want to reconnect with those socalled family members. She had cut ties with them three years ago, declaring that he was her only family

Frowning, he checked his watch and asked, Which hospital is her father in now?” 

Emelle sat on the bench on the hospital love, mulling over the situation with Leonard. She pulled out her phone, wanting to contact some connections to dig up information on 

But as soon as she pressed the button, she realized her phone was dead. She hadn’t used it since last night

Ashley returned with some bread and milk. She handed them to Emelie Emelie thanked her and accepted the food. Ashley sat down beside her and began eating

Ms.Thornton, did you ask the guards about Leonard?” 

I did. Leonard was caught for theft and was only sentenced for a few months. He had been wellbehaved and was due for release next month. The guards were baffled that he suddenly got into a fight with your dad.” 

Emelie sipped her milk through a straw and asked, What did Leonard say?

Ashley finished her bread and took a sip of milk before answering, Leonard claimed he was just joking with your dad and didn’t expect your dad to get angry. They exchanged some insults, and things escalated.” 


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