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Winning Her Heart back (Emelie and William) novel Chapter 236

Chapter 236 At a Loss 

For a moment, Fliana’s attention was drawn to the thunder outside. But the doctor’s stem tone snapped her back to reality. She stammered, Isn’t an artificial heart dangerous

But now, with their mother’s life on the brink, what else mattered? Even Emelle hesitated about implanting an artificial heart for Greta before this. How could she make a decision

if Greta didn’t survive the surgery, the cost of the device and the operation would be astronomical. Eliana wondered if Emelie would be willing to take on that burden

Thoughts raced through her mind. Coupled with the blaring alarms, she felt her ears pounding

She tried calling Emelie’s phone again, but it was still oft. The doctor urged, Have you made a decision? We can’t wait any longer!” 

Eliana was at a loss. She didn’t know what to do. All her life, she’d reled on her parents, her husband, and others to make decisions for her. Now, faced with this monumental choice, she felt paralyzed. 

She grabbed the doctor’s arm. Is there any other way? Please think of something else. Or tell me what to do. I’ll follow your advice!” 

The doctor couldn’t make such a decision for her. If you can’t decide, we can put her on ECMO to keep her alive until your sister arrives.” 

Eliana latched onto this suggestion like a lifeline. What is ECMO? What does it do?! 

The doctor explained, Extracorporeal membrane cxygenation. It’s a machine that provides respiratory and circulatory support for patients with severe heart and lung failure. It cam temporarily take over the function of the heart.” 

Elana barely understood. Is it safe?” 

It’s relatively safe. It’s mainly to maintain life temporarily.” 

without hesitation, she said, Do that! Use that!” 

The doctor held her arm. Listen, ECMO is very expensive to initiate. It also requires TCU care afterward, and it only buys time. You’ll still need to decide about the artificial heart 


Compared to the risk of losing both their mother and a fortune with the artificial heart, ECMO seemed like a safer bet. At least it could keep Greta alive for now. Eliana gritted her teeth and made the only decision she felt she could

Go ahead! My sister will come and pay for it!” 

Emelie plogged her phone into the power bank. As she tumed it on, she saw several missed calls. Before she could check who had called, someone called out to her. 

Emelie.She looked up to see the elegantly poised Vanessa approaching

Surprised, she barely had time to greet Vanessa when burried footsteps sounded from behind. Move aside! Clear the way!” 

Instinctively, Emelie turned around and collided with several medical staff pushing a mobile hospital bed. Her phone slipped from her hand and fell to the ground with a loud crack The medical staff were in a rush to get the patient to the emergency room. They didn’t stop

A curse burried over, asking, Miss, are you okay?” 

Emelie quickly picked up her phone, finding the screen shattered

The nurse said apologetically. The patient’s heart stopped, and the doctors were in a hurry to save them, so they didn’t see you.” 

Emelie tried to power on her phone, but the screen remained dark. The nurse looked concerned. Your phone.” 


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