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Winning Her Heart back (Emelie and William) novel Chapter 314

Clupter  314 Men Could Be Incredibly Heartless 

Emelle leptoundly through the night and woke up the next morning after 7:00am

Her room was a double room, she had drawn a curtain between her bed and the adjacent site, but could still hour the comforting voices of the patient’s family on the other side. Un her side, the room tempined tranquil and peaceful 

Willum had already left. She wasn’t sure exactly whim, but it was probably sometime during the previous night. She hadn’t expected him to stay with her at the hospital

The winter morning in Weston brought achill through the slightly a window, allowing a gentle breeze to drift in Nestled beside the window, her bed felt cold, prompting her to pull the blanket fighter around herself

Este a bit lightheaded, and her muscles were sore the fewer that had websided

Estimating the time, Bryan should have been awake already So, she picked up her phone and called him. As expected, he answered promptly 

cleared her throat softly and said, Mr. Swanson, I took care of the issue with the Navarro family last night.” 

okay, what happened? Beyan inquired

Emelle proceeded to gl him a detailed report, naturally omitting the part about encountering Wim and Elena at the Navarro family’s residence. It turned out to be a mkunderstandingshe concluded

Good to hear it was a misunderstanding. We need to renew our contract with Nars Corporation in the first quarter next year. Let’s make sure such incidents don’t affect our celationship,Brn responded 

Emelie’s voice was slightly house as she replied, Yes, Lunderstand. I’ll take care of it.” 

Bryan cased his eyebrows. Theard you coughing a few times Are you feeling unwel?he asked

Emelle’s voice remained horse. Thad a fever last night.” 

In the case, take the day to rest.Bryan suggested

*No need, I’ll be discharged after my IV drip this moming You have an online meeting 

meeting with Nexus Corporation this afternoon I’ll be at the office beforehand to prepare, Emelie 


In essence, she planned to take only the morning off

Emelle was known as a capable yet humble employee who understood her boundaries and never allowed personal matters to interfere with work, she was the type of employee highly valued by employers

Bryan acknowledged her request and ended the call 

Then, he glanced across the dining table at Samuel Sipping this color and eating breakfast, the casually asked, Ms. How has a fever and is reviving an IV drip at the hospital. Would you like to go and check on her?” 

Samuel hesitated briefly before shaking his head. She’s hard worker and knows how to take care of herself if she sees she like at work this afternoon, she should manage just fine. I don’t want to disturb her and make things hader” 

Bryan understood the situation immediately. You confessed to Ms. Hoven, didn’t you? And she turned you down?otherube, Samuel wouldn’t be so hesitant about disturbing 


Ben knew Samwell he was considerate and sensitive. If his confession hadn’t been accepted, he would keep his distance to avoid causing discomfort

Samuel remained silent, his attention fixed on his chicken soup. His silence alone was conflemation 

Bryan Browned slightly. So you’re going to Eprind because Mts. Howen rejected you?”

Samuel repliedly, I’m going to Eprand to better myself. It’s not because of anyone else.” 

Bryant straight to the point. But if Ms. Hoven had accepted your confession, you wouldn’t be leaving.” 

It was evident

However, the truth was he and Emelie weren’t destined to be together. Sameel still pondered whether things might have turned out differently if he hadn’t gone to Wimstour City, if those events hadn’t unfolded

Could they have had a future together

Unfortunately, I didn’t entertain its

Samuel chose not to dwell on the matter further. Adjusting his glasses, he remarked, I’ll be leaving today, but before I do, there’s something important I must share with you.” 

Bryan inquired, What is it?” 

advise against marrying Camels, Samuel plainly stated 

leaned back in his chair, looking at Samuel with a puzzled expression 

Samuelcontinued calmly, Camiacsed quite a stir at the recent Navarro family banquet You might have heard about it. Associating with such a contentious woman could damage your reputation. There are plenty of respectable women in Westen perhaps you should consider someone more suitable.” 

Bryan narrowed his eyes. You seldom involve yourself in my personal matters. Are you concerned about Camila’s suitability as the future matriarch of the Swanson family, or is it because of her behavior that nearly embarrassed Ms. Hove at the Navarro family banquet? Are you speaking up for her sake


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