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Winning Her Heart back (Emelie and William) novel Chapter 354

Chapter 354 The Unexpected Request 

on your feet!Emelie’s thoughts were indisarray when suddenly the door to the holding cell swung open from outside. The jailer barked, Everyone, on pat 

All of them immediately set down their meal trays and stood upright

tumelie knew the drill here and complied, but as soon as her feet touched the ground, a sharp pain gripped her stomach, causing her to involuntarily bend forward. Just as she almost fell to her knees, a strong arm reached out and pulled her close

She collided into his chest, catching a familiar whiff of a sophisticated cologne 

elle teared up

She felt the injustice of being framed, the hunger from missing two meals, and the intense pain in her stomach. The words Where have you been?almost escaped her lips, but she bit down hard to hold them back 

William’s voice came from above her, Can you wall?” 

Elle weakly replied, I have a stomachache… 

He remarked, You’ve brought this upon yourself. You should’ve asked Ashley to find me

in has arms

Emelie weally pushed against his chest. In the next moment, William scooped her up in hos 

Emelie suddenly lost herbalance. She felt her blood mushing and the world spinning around her, Instinctively, she tightened her grip on his shirt, inadvertently wrinkling it

As William glanced down at her thuished eyes, he felt his heart tighten, and he frowned deeply

Emelie murmured, Cant go now

william infonted her flatly, You’reston bul” 

Ermelle was confused. Ashley had previously informed her that getting bail was supposed to be impossible. But just because Ashley couldn’t get out didn’t mean William couldn’t

Erelle closed her eyes. She wasnt dizzy, but just exhausted and in pain

After leaving the cell, Ashton draped a blanket over her. Standing at 5 feet 6 inches, she was tall for a woman. Now wrapped snugly in the blanket, she looked fragile and delicate in William’s arms

William camed her out of the police station and bent down to settle her in the car

Inside, the heater kept them warm, but Emelie couldn’t help shivering as the temperature fluctuated. Suddenly, something brushed against her lips 

Instinctively, she tried to pull away, but caught a sweet taste. William said, It’s glucose. Drink up.” 

Glucose was the best for restoring energy 

Emelle tried to pull her hand out from under the blanket to take the bottle herself, but William pressed it gently against her lips, urging her to open her mouth The sweetness flooded in, soothing her throat

After drinking half the boule, liefinally mistered the strength to lift her eyelids. Only then she realized William had been watching her all along 

The stray light from the root of the car passed over his face, accentuating his dark and tranquil features. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking. She thought perhaps he found her troublesome, as his brow was fumowed tightly

hint of moisture lingered at the comer of her lips, which he gently wiped away with his fingertip. His touch, softened by a life of privilege, was smooth. Emelie pursed her lips slightly

Darkness had settled in, shrouding everything around the car 

At this moment, he was the only light

As Emelie’s stomach pain eased, she felt less like she was at death’s door. She said, Thankyou.” 


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