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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl Novel novel Chapter 1179

"If that's the case, did you manage to do it?" Pearl asked, looking at him with serious eyes. She didn't want to bring up uncomfortable topics, but she had to know. "If you didn't, it's because you still had hope for Esther. But seeing her with someone else, you couldn't let her go, could you?"

Finnegan lowered his head. "You're right."

He wanted to move on, but deep down, he hadn't really let go of Esther. When he saw her happy with someone else, he gave up. Instead of dealing with his feelings, he decided to marry someone he didn't love.

He hadn't truly moved on.

"Finnegan, you know what you should have done," Pearl said gently.

Finnegan seemed to have lost all his energy and just laid down. "I know. I'll think about it," he said quietly.

Ten years of admiration were destroyed in a few seconds, and seeing his struggle, Pearl didn't want to push him. He needed time to think, and she respected that.

After staying a little longer, Pearl left with Richard.


Esther got home and immediately posted on social media to let her fans know she was safe after being rescued. She hoped this would ease their worries.

However, her fans were skeptical. They thought the post was just a statement by the company and started spreading rumors.

Esther tried to clear things up with a video—she was safe now, so their plan to confront the village should be put aside. But the rumors only grew, and comments flooded in.

[We were so worried about you, Este!]


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