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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 227

After about half an hour of waiting, Stella was sweltering in the heat when Monkey finally arrived, driving a truck marked as hazardous material.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." He huffed, jumping out of the truck, "The roads were terrible. Had to take a detour."

"Driving this thing around, you're not afraid of scaring folks off?"

"Well, no choice there," Monkey wiped his sweat and explained, "It's actually a water tanker. The boss had it repainted and labeled as hazardous material."

With a water tanker now, the refugees, parched and desperate, would tear it apart.

Stella inspected the vehicle before finally speaking, "I need your help with something."

Help? She actually said help? Monkey was flabbergasted, "Just say the word! I'd go through hell and high water for you."

"I need a high-powered sprayer."

"A sprayer? From the way you're talking, it sounds like you need an agricultural sprayer."

Stella thought for a moment, "Yes, something with a strong spray."

Monkey frowned, "Those machines are heavy and hard to move. They were flooded and ruined during the flood. It'd take at least half a month to find one."

"I need it now."

"Even if you chopped me up, I couldn't get it that fast." Monkey looked defeated, "I can find a broken one and try to fix it up for you, but it'd still take time."

"I don't need the entire machine. Just fix the sprayer." Stella couldn't wait any longer. She threatened, "I'll give you five hours. If you can't deliver, you can forget about this water."

"Ah!!!" Monkey shrieked in alarm, instantly flustered, "How could you threaten me like this? If I don't get this water, Austin is sure to kill me!"

"If you don't want to die, then figure it out."

Monkey was fuming, but eventually stomped his foot and agreed, "Fine, I'll stake my entire reputation on this. I'll do my best for you."

After asking about the situation in Griffith, Stella arranged a meeting point for the water delivery and drove off.

Monkey ran off immediately. Only five hours, she was asking for his life!

Stella avoided the refugee camps and chose less populated routes. She encountered a few groups of people on the road. Their eyes lit up at the sight of the moving vehicle. If they could hijack the truck and steal the gasoline, they could trade it for food and water. This was a chance to live.

Unfortunately, their frail bodies, worn down by years of hardship, could barely keep them on their feet, let alone hijack a truck. They couldn't even keep up with the exhaust fumes.

There were also those who tried to stage a robbery, suddenly charging out from behind a broken wall and lying in the middle of the road.

Stella was speechless. It had been over two years since the end of the world. Couldn't they come up with a more modern way to scam? Did they think she was blind and didn't see the men hiding behind the broken wall, with knives in hand?

Stella didn't brake, instead accelerating towards them. If you love lying on the ground so much, then stay there forever!

The water tanker rolled over them, and the men hiding behind the broken wall rushed out, with clubs in hands. Unfortunately, no matter how fast they were, they couldn't outrun a four-wheeler.

Arriving at the agreed-upon location, a dilapidated, cracked building, Stella didn't hesitate and drove in. There was nobody in sight. She took the truck into Arcadia.

She moved the water tower and attached the hose to the water tanker. The job was simple but time-consuming. By the time she had filled the tanker, there was only an hour left before the trade.

Stella left Arcadia, cautiously climbed the damaged building, and chose a spot with a good view and sheltered from the light to keep an eye on the surroundings.

With a hand-held fan, an ice cream, and two popsicles, she saw a pickup slowly appearing at the end of the road.


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