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A Dare To Kiss The Bad Boy novel Chapter 1

Everyone has different lifestyles, different aims and goals. As for me, I've always been known as the nice girl. Even my best friend, Joey, would always say that I look too innocent and naive to be true; too good for anyone. Ever since dad died of lung cancer, I gave up on friendship. My two best friends betrayed me and then taunted me about my father's death. Since then, I've worked very hard to have good grades in school in order to attain a scholarship after high school to relieve mom. Those had been my utmost priority before this lame party came up

Here I stood dressed in a body hugging knee length dress. Large blue eyes, pale blonde hair because that's who I am. Who Ivy Young. My eyes scanned my body and my pretty dress. If I'm truthful enough, I would say I look hot. This had been Joey's choosing not mine.

My brows drew together."Is this dress not a little short?" I asked, blinking my eyelashes rapidly.

Joey turned to look at me, her honey brown eyes widened."Oh my God! You look really beautiful, Ivy."She uttered.

She walked over to me and gripped my arm, pulling to her full length mirror.

I let out a little gasp as I watch myself in the mirror. I was mesmerized by my own beauty. If Joey had not been standing behind my back, I'd have denied that I'm not me. My deep blue eyes shone brightly, I've never realized how pretty they were before. My hair was packed in a bun, as usual. Joey told me to let me down but I refused, I prefer packing my hair. Nevertheless, I still look pretty.

I pressed my palms to my cheeks."I look hot, Joey."I muttered gently.

"Yeah" she agreed with me, grinning from ear to ear."Are you ready?"

I nodded my head in the affirmative. Physically yes. Mentally no!

"I'm kinda nervous," I said, picking my words one after the other.

It's the first time I'll be attending a party other than my neighbor's birthday party.

The corners of her mouth curled upwards."You'll be okay, stop worrying too much."She assured me.

I beamed a little smile at her. If not for Joey, I wouldn't be attending this party. Jake would be there so she dragged me along with her.

Joey's eyelids dropped."If I don't get Jake to notice me tonight, I don't think he'll ever will."She blurted out.

I drew in a long breath."Here we go again!"I muttered under my breath.

Jake Smith is the guy Joey had a sickening crush on. I don't know him that well but I've taken two classes with him this year. Within those times, I've seen nothing but rude behaviors of him. He is always with his gang of assholes. He's one of the bad boys in my school which makes me dislike him and the fact that he's the best friend with Romeo Sparks, the school badass, the handsome jerk with annoying curly hair.

I patted my best friend gently on her shoulder."He'll surely do, Joey. You only have to be positive."

I tried my best to cheer Joey up instead of saying what my mind really wants to say.

**Stop crushing on that asshole because he'll never look into your way. Ordinary and good girls like you are not his type.**

Her mouth curved into a wide smile. That's typical of her, she'll always smile even in the worst situations.


By the time we arrived at the party, the party was already in its full swing.

"I need to go find Jake." Joey yelled over the loud blasting of music.

I forced a smile."Okay."I yelled back then watched her go off.

With Joey gone, I somehow felt alone. Lost.

I noticed some faces from school but couldn't make out any of their names. Parties like this are not meant for people like me. Friday night, I would rather be in my room watching TV series.

My eyes landed on Romeo Sparks, Evergreen High School's baddest boy amidst the crowd. Since Romeo was here, definitely Jake would be here.

I silently wished Joey got to tell him that she has an undying crush on him. I wondered what his reaction would be. I tried my best not to think about it.

I felt my throat dry as I waded through the crowd. I held my ears as I walked past one of the speakers, the bass pounding as loud as my heart. I turned around to check if I could see Joey. I felt left out being here on my own, because this party is just not my thing. I should be in bed by now watching my favorite TV series and probably crushing popcorn or curled up in bed reading my favorite romance novel.

I took a deep breath wishing that I hadn't come here at all. The air in here is suffocating .

I need air.

I spun around and searched for the next available exit. I sighed as I made my way to the door. I pushed through the kitchen door and pulled open the sliding back door. The cold summer breeze welcomed me as I stepped out onto the patio. I shut my eyes, inhaling the deep fresh air.


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