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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1020

Eleanor felt somewhat surprised. Wasn't Robin supposed to have face recognition issues? How could he remember Gianna's appearance after only meeting her once?

She was contemplating how to dispel Robin's doubts when he suddenly took a step closer to her. His action made her feel a bit awkward, causing Eleanor to subconsciously take a step back. Unfortunately, her foot accidentally landed on a rock, causing her to lose balance and lean to the side.

Just as she was about to fall, a hand reached out and supported her waist, steadying her. With Robin's help, Eleanor regained her balance and said, "Thank you."

However, Robin discreetly withdrew the hand that had touched her. Whether it was due to the scorching weather or extreme nervousness, he felt his palm slightly sweaty.

Eleanor gently explained, "The person who came just now was indeed Sigrid. If you don't believe me, I can call her in front of you."

Robin's gaze remained fixed on her slender waist, and in his mind, the image of embracing her kept replaying. The touch of his fingers not only felt her soft waist but also her fragrant cascading hair. The sensation of those soft strands gliding through his fingertips was like playing the strings of his heart. Though it lasted only a few seconds, he was completely captivated, and even after she regained her balance, he was reluctant to let go of her hand.

He replayed these scenes in his mind so incessantly that he completely missed what Eleanor was saying. It was only when she raised her hand and waved it in front of his eyes that he slowly snapped out of his trance and asked, "Huh? What did you say?"

Eleanor sighed helplessly, "You didn't hear a word I said. I explained everything for nothing."

Robin inquired, "What did you explain?"

Eleanor tilted her head looking at him, "Mr. Spencer, are you looking for trouble?"

Only then Robin remembered his original mission was to investigate the Siren Organization. But Eleanor's presence had him unnerved, his gaze at her turning a bit unfriendly, "Stay away from me!"

Eleanor was taken aback, "You were the one who came closer. I didn't mean to get near you, why should I back off, why don't you?"

Robin was at a loss for words at her counter question. Eleanor seized the chance to say, "You always tell me to back off, should we communicate with a megaphone from a hundred meters apart?"

Robin's face turned awkward as he spoke, "You have a certain scent, and I'm not used to it when you're too close."


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