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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1021

Upon hearing that Gianna was on her way, Bernard, who was monitoring the situation, felt a chill run through his handsome face when he saw what was happening.

Robin saw a certain fondness in his gaze towards his wife. Could that man, who couldn't even remember people’s face, actually be falling for his wife?

Bernard sat in his swivel chair, chin propped on his hand, deep in thought before he placed a call to Gianna and shot off a message to Sigrid.

Soon, Robin saw Gianna's car through his binoculars. Those mischievous eyes were clearly visible now.

Robin was thrilled. Just as he was about to put down his binoculars and go find someone, he saw the owner of those mischievous eyes slowly turning her head...

In the lens, that face, with its mischievous eyes, was different from the one he had seen before...

He looked up some information about Sigrid online, brought up a picture, enlarged it, and compared it with the person in the binoculars.

The person in the photo had light makeup, while the one in the binoculars was heavily made up. Different makeup, but the same person.

Could he have been mistaken?

He picked up his binoculars again and took a careful look at the license plate and clothes, which were exactly the same as before.

If it was the same person, then why did she flee as soon as she saw his car catching up?

She was clearly a bit frightened!

As he was pondering this, the driver of the car tossed something to the security guard and sped off towards the mountain road at the same breakneck speed.

Could this just be her driving style and not a reaction to seeing him?

After all this, Robin was utterly confused...

He picked up his binoculars again and saw Bernard getting out of the car.

Before the man entered the mansion, he paused for two seconds, then turned to the side and cast a cold glance opposite.

When those icy eyes appeared in the lens, Robin's heart pounded.


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