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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1073

When she walked into the hospital carrying a thermos, she ran into a mob of relatives blocking the entrance.

Hospital staff were trying to calm down the relatives, but they weren’t having any of it. They held up banners and shouted loudly.

Eleanor initially thought the dispute was none of her business until she saw Yeager's photo on one of the banners. That’s when it hit her. These people were here because of Yeager.

She was taken aback. After what Yeager did to Hailey last night, he was left alone on the top floor of the hotel. How did he end up in a medical accident?

"My lady, check out the news."

Eleanor was puzzled until Scott handed her his phone.

She took the phone, opened the news article, and realized that Yeager had sabotaged Will for the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

She used to think that although Yeager had character flaws, he was at least a good doctor. She never thought he would do something like this.

“Hand over Yeager!”

“Yes, hand him over, or we won’t leave!”

When the relatives made enough noise, Liana motioned to the bodyguards to bring Yeager out of the hospital.

As soon as Yeager was brought out, Mr. Caporal's family members rushed over to attack him. The guards couldn’t even stop them.

Yeager was brutally held down and subjected to a beating by his relatives until the bodyguards intervened, attempting to shield him on several occasions.

"Stop hitting him," one of the bodyguards asserted. "The police are already investigating Dr. Yeager's deliberate harm to his patients and his attempt to frame Dr. Will. Please go home and wait for the investigation results."

Yeager retreated behind the protective cover of the bodyguards, his expression growing darker as he stared at the furious relatives who sought to tear him apart. He clenched his fists and glared back at those who insulted him. In that moment, his eyes caught sight of Eleanor in the distance, and they narrowed with intensity.

Eleanor paused briefly, waiting for the crowd to disperse a bit. Then she picked up her bag and walked through the outpatient clinic with Scott, heading towards the inpatient department. Upon reaching the seventh floor, she spotted Cedric leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

Thinking that he might have already left, she said, "Cedric, you can go ahead. I'll handle things here."

However, Cedric shook his head.

“I'll go in once she's asleep.”

Looking at Cedric’s tired eyes, Eleanor sighed helplessly.


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