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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1074

Garett suffered from severe depression, a fact well-known to Hailey and Bernard.

Eleanor's distressing condition became evident when she lost color in her face, and her pale hand weakly leaned against the wall.

Yeager, observing the situation, expressed concern about Garett's well-being to Ms. Shultz, acknowledging the potential danger of severe depression.

Eleanor seemed shocked and surprised by the question.

Yeager felt fortunate that Hailey had introduced him to Garett, as it gave him the opportunity to confront Bernard and protect his friend.

Yeager didn't want to say these things, but Bernard kept coming at him. Why should he let Bernard have it easy?

He wanted to drive a wedge between Eleanor and Bernard, make Eleanor choose to leave Bernard, make Bernard suffer from depression like Garett, and then take his own life!

Thinking about this, Yeager smirked and walked towards Eleanor.

"Ms. Shultz, Garett's depression is because he misses you. You chose to leave him for Bernard. Have you ever thought about how much it hurts him?"

Yeager's words hit Eleanor like a sledgehammer.

She remembered how Garett had worked on the construction site to help her raise money for medical expenses...

He was only sixteen then.

He worked tirelessly, bent over, ignoring the sweltering heat, his sweat pouring down, head down, doing all the heavy labor.

When she found out, Garett just laughed and said, "Eleanor, I'm doing this to get fit, not for the money."

But the callouses and scars on his hands were all for her...

Garett's whole life was for her...

Eleanor's hand slid down the wall...

Seeing her like this, Yeager was pretty sure he was right.

"Ms. Shultz, Garett lost his legs, he can't stand up anymore, and he's got severe depression. He might die..."

He might die...


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