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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1359

The word 'young' seems to hold no real conviction when spoken. It only seems to limit others.

However, as time went by, Katharine found her another “Caleb” again, all thanks to that word.

Some say, if you've ever loved someone deeply, meeting someone who looks just like them could rekindle that love.

But Eleanor wasn't sure if Katharine, later with a happy family and children, had ever forgotten her Caleb.

Back then, Eleanor had crossed paths with Katharine at Caleb's grave. They hadn't seen each other in years, both wearing black berets, carrying flowers, holding their children, heads bowed in their own worlds.

When Eleanor reached Caleb's tombstone and saw fresh flowers, she turned and looked for Katharine among the countless graves.

That silhouette seemed to have hurried through and disappeared into the dense forest, never to look back.

Every year, no matter how early Eleanor arrived, there was always a bouquet of fresh flowers at Caleb's grave.

She thought, she must never have forgotten.

But that's a story for another time. Now, Eleanor only knew that Katharine, who had attempted suicide several times, was living a life worse than death.

Everyone said Katharine had gone mad, and she indeed did for a while. But the loss of her child seemed to awaken her from her haze.

She knew it was her own negligence that caused her child to bleed several times, and ultimately leave her forever...

She held Eleanor and said many words, all blaming herself - blaming herself for always hitting and scolding Caleb when they were together, never being gentle with him; blaming herself for always demanding things of Caleb like a princess but didn’t love him enough; blaming herself for not even protecting the last trace of Caleb in this world, labeling herself as a bad, selfish person.

Because, from beginning to end, she only cared about herself.

After hearing these words, Eleanor cried all night. She knew too well what it felt like to lose a loved one.

Before when she thought she had lost Bernard, and she was even more devastated than Katharine.

She held Katharine, patted her back, and comforted her until she fell asleep, while Eleanor stayed awake.

The next day, Katharine's phone rang. The sound startled her awake.

She got up from Eleanor's arms like a madwoman, not even putting on her shoes, and frantically searched for her phone.

She found it and, with tears streaming down her face and trembling hands, she opened the latest message on her social media.

It was from Caleb's new account, an account she had forced him to create, allowing him to only communicate with her.

She saw a new message from Caleb:


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