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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1360

Katharine finally passed out from the extreme pain, Eleanor immediately called for a doctor to rush in for emergency aid.

After a whirlwind of medical intervention, York concluded that Katharine was hopelessly insane and planned to send her to a mental institution.

Robin was dead against it, engaging in a heated argument with York. It all ended when Katharine, on the brink of despair, cried out, "Dad, you've already killed my child. Do you want to kill me too?"

York protested, claiming he was just afraid that if she carried on like this, he'd be driven mad himself. He implored Katharine to show him some mercy.

Katharine agreed, promising not to cause any more trouble so he wouldn't be ridiculed.

Stung by her words, an infuriated York stormed off with stern face.

After he left, Katharine raised her tear-streaked eyes to the worn-out Robin, "Bro, there's a church in Clearwater I always wanted to visit with Caleb but never got the chance. Can I go there?"

Caleb had once told her to pray before the God for a year. If she hadn't forgotten him by then, he would return in a different form. She had a promise to keep.

Robin stared into Katharine's eyes, brimming with despair, for a solid five minutes before finally deciding, "I'll go with you."

Katharine tried to refuse, but Robin insisted: "Katharine, no one is more important than you."

Unable to hold back her tears, Katharine asked, "Bro, do you blame me?"

Robin shook his head and gently cleaned her tears. "You've lost the two people you love most. I can't let you lose me too."

Loss wasn't just about death. Indifference and abandonment were a type of loss too. Just like York, her own father, had been the first to give up on her.

Katharine got up from the hospital bed, flung herself into Robin's arms, and wept her heart out like a little girl seeking her big brother's protection.

Robin raised his hand and patted Katharine's hair, but his gaze was on Eleanor, who was standing off to the side, silently weeping along.

He knew that he had to say goodbye to the girl he love for a while.

After he had reassured Katharine and lulled her to sleep, he left the hospital room with Eleanor.

Eleanor asked him, "Can you take care of Katharine on your own?"

Robin looked at her seriously. "Then come with us."

Without thinking, Eleanor touched her stomach. "When are you planning to leave?"

Her gesture said it all, and Robin stopped testing her. "When she's more stable, and when my wounds have healed a little."

Eleanor nodded and, feeling a little embarrassed, said, "I'll see you off when you leave..."

Robin shook his head. "No need."


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