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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 621

When they heard what Taylor had to say, those relatives who'd dragged their kids into the feud started to regret it. They should've known that as long as Taylor stayed in power, and they contributed in the future, they could potentially regain their shares.

What they were doing now was like shooting themselves in the foot, and ruining their own kids' futures...

Those relatives who hadn't dragged their kids into the mess breathed a sigh of relief; they were glad that the disaster didn't affect their offspring. They didn't want to be the first to face the music, so they just hung back and waited.

Bernard ran out of patience, glanced at his watch and said coldly, "Time's up."

His icy voice sent the bodyguards forward, which scared the relatives into immediate action,

"I'll take the cash buyout!"

"Me too!"

"And me!"

Once they made their decisions, they were ready to leave, but the man at the head of the table had no intention of letting them off the hook.

"Hold on…"

The relatives stopped in their tracks, looking at Bernard with confusion. They'd already been kicked out of the Laurence Group, what else did they need to stick around for?

Bernard cocked his head, saying slowly, "Apologize…"

One of the relatives asked in confusion, "Apologize for what?"

Bernard looked up, his gaze cold, "Apologize to my wife."

The guy was taken aback, realizing how deeply Bernard held grudges. More importantly, as the family patriarch, his protection of a woman made her an obvious weakness, didn't it?

The man at the head of the table, as if reading his mind, said again coldly, "If you dare to lay a finger on my wife, you'll learn what weakness really means."

The relative was taken aback. The man in front of him was ruthless enough to send his own mother to prison, and clearly did not care about familial ties.

Such a man would become a sharp sword, stabbing anyone who dared to harm him. Everyone should steer clear of him and not provoke him. Certainly they should not hurt those he cared about, or they would end up in a worse state than his mother.

The relatives were stunned by Bernard's words. They didn't dare say anything more and started to apologize,


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