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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 622

Blake, who was initially pretty pissed off, wasn't aware of his siblings' dissatisfaction with him until Bernard revealed that these people even dared to insult him.

He looked up and took a fresh look at the brothers and sisters he had once taken care of, feeling weirdly disconnected all of a sudden.

It seemed that everyone had gradually drifted away from him after they had their own families. They rarely visited, only seeking him out when in trouble or in need. No matter how good he was to them, they only saw him as an older brother of some use...

Blake pondered for a bit, choosing to keep his mouth shut and leaving everything to Bernard.

Bernard was about to give orders with his slender fingers raised when a relative walked up to Sigrid.

"Sigrid, sorry, I was too harsh just now. Please forgive me."

Seeing her usually snooty relative apologizing to her, Sigrid was quite shocked. Fortunately, she had received a good education from a young age and could control her emotions, accepting the apology calmly and graciously.

"I accept your apology, but please stop spreading rumors that I had an abortion. I just had a check-up at the gynecologist because I wasn't feeling well."

She took this opportunity to clarify the rumors about herself but didn't deny having dated Chase.

Seeing someone apologize first, the others followed suit, as apologizing was nothing compared to being kicked out of the family.

Of course, even as the head of the family, Bernard didn't have the right to kick them all out, but Blake did.

It was only when they saw Blake remaining silent did they step forward to apologize.

You can't piss off the big brother who can still support you, or else they'd be nobodies in the Laurence family.

The apologizing relatives, whether sincere or insincere, at least allowed Sigrid to restore some dignity in this situation.


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