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A Vengeful Bride novel Chapter 21

Seizing my wedding dress tightly with one hand, I took the design draft from Mrs. Sayar with the other hand. And I was shocked when I saw the content of the draft.

It was my draft done 7 years ago.

I had tried to look for it when I started to prepare for my competition work a month ago. But I never found it. Now it appeared here? The weirdest thing was the signature on it was not me, but Rita Wu?

What was going on? Why did the wedding dress manuscript appear in Rita's hand? Why did her name appear here?

"Miss Mu, do you have anything to explain?" Seeing me like this, the reporter asked again.

Seizing the draft in my hand, I suppressed my panic, tried to keep calm, saying, "I'm pretty sure it's my original work. It is my wedding dress draft that I designed for myself 7 years ago."

Edward Xi turned to me when I said, but I didn't look back. I had to deal with the reporter who seemed not friendly to me.

The reporter smiled, and her eyes suddenly became extremely sharp. "It seems that Miss Mu doesn't want to admit that you stole this design from Rita. I have your bank card record of stealing this manuscript."

What? I was totally confused. The reporter took out some documents from her handbag and waved to me.

"Miss Mu, can you explain why you transferred 1.5 million to Alan's bank account?"

Alan? 1.5 million?

I put on a cold face and said to her, "Do I need to remind you? I don't even know who Alan is."

How could I transfer so much money to someone I didn't even know?

"Miss Mu, although you try to deny, the fact is you paid Alan for making him steal Rita's design draft a month ago. I have your phone calls records and bank transfer records. And Alan has already admitted he did it as you required. Now the evidence and witnesses are provided, are you still deny these?"

"Bullsh*t!" I trembled out of rage.

Her accusation was ridiculous.

However, the bank card was issued with my name. They transferred money from my bank card to another account and even included the call records between me and Alan.

What was going on?

"Miss Mu, I'm really disappointed with you and Time Group. I think it's necessary to reconsider the competition later." After reading through the evidence, Mrs. Sayar said to me with a terrible face.

Looking at the expression on her face, I reached out and said anxiously, "Mrs.Sayar, please listen to my explanation." "Save it. I don't want to see you again. You are not a qualified designer for a wedding dress.."

I watched her leave in a daze. When I tried to catch up with her and explain, the reporters had already rushed toward me.

"Miss Mu, please explain, is the wedding dress a copy of Miss Wu?"

"Miss Mu, do you have anything to say to Rita?"


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