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A Vengeful Bride novel Chapter 252

She opened her mouth and cursed me. She looked so vicious as if she wanted to kill me.

"Ashley, remember that both you and Edward will die a terrible death... Haha..."


I was stimulated by the cursing sound. I covered my ears and screamed.


I heard Scott's extremely gentle voice, I opened my eyes and saw Scott's teary eyes.

"Thank god, you finally wake up."

Scott held me tightly, and her body kept trembling.

"Mom..." I called her in a hoarse voice.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here, and I won't let Caesar hurt you." Scott's hand was cold. She was obviously afraid, but she kept comforting me.

"Mom... I dreamt... of Betty." I leaned against her arms and said weakly.

Scott's body suddenly became stiff because of my words.

I didn't notice it. I just continued to say, "Betty was covered all over with blood. She even cursed me and Edward for not being able to get happiness for the rest of our lives. She said that we wouldn't be together. It's strange. Didn't Betty die? Why would I have such a horrible dream?" Betty had died in the valley a long time ago. Why did I suddenly think of Betty?

"You're just too tired. You'll be fine after a break. This is just a dream." Scott touched my hair and said to me in a hoarse voice.

"Where is Ashe?" I pressed the place between my eyebrows and looked at Scott.

Why didn't I see Ashe when I woke up? Was he taken away by Caesar?

"He's still sleeping." Scott hesitated for a moment and whispered to me.

"I'll go to see him."

I didn't notice the strange expression on Scott's face. I lifted the quilt on my body and got out of bed.

Although Caesar didn't let us leave here, we were relatively free in the rooms inside.

I walked out of the door and went straight to Ashe's room.

The servant seemed to have just delivered Ashe a meal. After seeing me, he saluted me and left.

I pushed open the door, only to see that Ashe was not sleeping at all. He curled up beside the window and wrapped the curtains around himself, like a frightened little hedgehog.

"Ashe, what's wrong with you?" I looked at Ashe and said with concern.

"Ah..." When I walked to Ashe, he didn't rush to me as before. When he saw me, he screamed at me. He was so excited and didn't want me to get close to him. I was at a loss.

"Ashe, I'm a mommy." I bit my lips and looked at Ashe who was trembling. My eyes were filled with tears.

Why did Ashe become like this? Did he not want me to get close to him? What had happened?

"Ashley, calm down. Ashe is just frightened. He'll be fine soon."

Scott walked to me, held my hand, and said to me with a complicated expression.

"Is he frightened?" I looked at Scott in a daze. I didn't understand her words.

"Ashe, come here." Scott squatted down and reached out her hand at Ashe.

Ashe's eyes were filled with tears, and he kept shaking his head and trembling.

What was Ashe afraid of? Did Caesar do something to him?

What did Caesar want to do?

"Ashe, I am mommy." I looked at Ashe and almost burst into tears.

Ashe refused to come out of the corner, and he didn't even want to get close to me. Was he afraid of me?

Why was he suddenly afraid of me?

"Ashley, your child is very afraid of you now." Just when I looked at Ashe sadly and helplessly, Caesar appeared.

He stood at the door, and his expression was wired. I turned back and glared at Caesar, "Caesar, what have you done to Ashe?"

"I didn't do anything to him." Caesar touched his chin, looked at me coldly, and ridiculed me.

What? Didn't Caesar do anything to Ashe? Then why did Ashe show such a fearful expression?

He used to be very lively. How could he become like this?

"It's you who made him become like this. Ashley, do you know what you have done?"

"Shut up, Caesar." Before Caesar could finish his words, Scott interrupted him.


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