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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 111

Alina thought for a while before she came up with a decision. Even if she didn't allow James to talk to Maria alone tonight, they could still get a chance to meet somewhere. After all, they were both in H City, and they had common acquaintances. It was something that she had no power to forbid to happen. Perhaps if she asked James to go to Maria and take the bracelet back in person, it would do good for her because Maria might be pissed off this way.

So she lowered her head and said in a soft tone, "All right. Thank you so much, James."

James froze for a second upon hearing her answer. He then gave her a faint smile that didn't reach his eyes.

The next items that were auctioned were famous calligraphies and paintings. This time, Maria just watched quietly.

While Alina, on the other hand, seemed to show her love for art. She got two calligraphies and two paintings that were all paid for by James.

As time went by, James began to feel bored. His patience was running out, and he couldn't wait for the auction to end any longer. He looked at his watch and was about to stand up to leave when the lights in the auction hall suddenly went out.

Then on the stage, a hollowed-out revolving vase from the Qing Dynasty was revealed. The bidding price soared up to five hundred million dollars at once. And it was still going up. Since all the lights were still out, the audience burst into an uproar. Everyone became vigilant. The assistant of YL Group's CEO alerted the security guards at once. They all groped in the darkness and rushed to the stage to protect the vase.

Someone from the audience took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight. Then a loud bang was heard at the center of the stage.

It was followed by the sound of porcelain being shattered into pieces.

Everyone knew that something was happening to the item on the stage.

The rest of the crowd also turned on the flashlight of their phones and aimed towards the stage. It was only then that they found out that a brawl was already happening up there. Chaos filled the entire auction hall of a sudden. Almost all of the men were wearing black suits, so it was difficult to identify who were the enemies and who were not.

Women had lost their poise, screaming in fright and running around. But before any of them could reach the exit, the lights suddenly went on.

Such an unforeseen occurrence baffled everyone. Someone from the crowd who recovered from the shock shouted, "Who could have done this? How could everything be destroyed?"

The crowd subconsciously turned their heads towards the stage. It was only then that they noticed how messy it was. The glass showcase and the hollowed-out revolving vase at the center were all smashed into pieces.

Jonathan Jiang, the CEO of YL Group, calmly ordered his men to clean up the mess while telling his assistant to seal off the area.

He then picked up the microphone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm terribly sorry for what happened just now. This vase is actually my private collection. Sadly, it's broken now. But of course, this won't stop us from pursuing our purpose. The bid for this vase of mine has reached five hundred million dollars, and I will pay for it. The proceeds of this auction will go to the poverty-stricken mountain areas under the name of YL Group. I want to thank everyone for supporting us in this event."

Loud applause broke out in the auction hall. And everyone said enormous words of compliments.

People couldn't help admiring Jonathan's kindness. He had lost an antique vase, yet he would still donate five hundred million dollars to the poor. With such a good deed, he uplifted his own reputation and his company as well.

When James turned around, he saw that Maria was still in her seat. She was looking at the stage with a sarcastic smile on her face.

Perhaps she felt that he was looking at her. She immediately stopped smiling and glared at him expressionlessly.

James rubbed his nose and withdrew his gaze. He then sat up straight, feeling strange. He couldn't understand why, but he had a hunch that what happened just now had something to do with Maria.

The vase was broken into pieces. The intruder really smashed it hard with something, and the shattered pieces mixed with the scattered glass showcase. It was impossible to repair it at all.

After Jonathan's people finished cleaning up the mess, the auction continued. He walked down the stage in a gentlemanly manner.

What the audience didn't see was that the moment he stepped down the stage, he felt weak all over and almost fainted. If his assistant and bodyguards weren't quick to support him, he would have fallen to the floor.

Trying to put up with the dizziness he felt, he asked, "How's the investigation going?"

"The police are still looking into it. The wires connected to the surveillance system were cut off two minutes in advance, and the staff in the control room were nowhere to be found. The police believed that the crime was premeditated."

Jonathan was taken aback. He was lost in thought. Who could have done this to him? He hadn't offended anyone recently.

No matter how much he racked his brains, he couldn't come up with a possible suspect. Whoever did it must have hated him so much. If not, he wouldn't suffer a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars.


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