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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 121

Walking towards Daniela, Maria grabbed the bank card from her hand and asked coldly, "What does it have anything to do with you?" Then she handed it back to Gordon and told him, "Grandpa, keep it safe. Don't let anyone steal it from you!"

At that moment, Daniela looked like a cat whose tail was stepped on. "Maria Song, what are you trying to say?" There were only three people in the ward, so it was safe to assume that Maria meant to attack Daniela with those words.

Maria sneered, "I'm talking about you, Daniela! If you don't have anywhere to be now, then you should stay at the hospital and take care of Grandpa. Stop going around and making a fuss about nothing!"

"What do you mean by going around? Are you talking about my job?" Daniela asked defiantly.

She was a travel blogger with millions of followers on social media. Her job was to post photos of all the places she visited and the dishes she tried worldwide.

As Maria didn't want to mince words with Daniela in front of their grandfather, she simply turned to the old man and said, "Grandpa, have a nice rest. I'm leaving now, but call me if you need anything."

Although Gordon wanted her to stay a little longer, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable and force her to endure the presence of other Song family members she didn't wish to run into. Now that Daniela came in and interrupted the peace anyway, there was no reason for Maria to stay. So he nodded. "Okay. Be careful on the way.

"I will. Bye, Grandpa!" With those words, Maria turned around and walked towards the door.

Daniela opened her mouth to mock Maria once more before she was gone, but Gordon stopped her. "Daniela, will you get a banana for me? Thanks."

Looking at the shadow of the woman who had just walked out of the ward, Daniela gave the fruit to her grandfather and complained, "Grandpa, she's no longer a member of our family, so why are you still so good to her?"

With a meaningful smile on his face, Gordon answered, "Daniela, Maria gave me the black card even though I've never given her anything before. I didn't even help her when that accident happened a long time ago. As for you, I've been supporting you all these years. Are you sure she's the person I'm being good to?" He couldn't help feeling guilty about it.

Daniela, on the other hand, didn't know how to respond to her grandfather's words.

It was true that she had spent a lot of his money. No matter how much she earned with her blog, it was never enough to cover all her expenses. Elaine and Gordon had been supporting Daniela financially all these years. As for Maria, Daniela had never seen Gordon give her a single penny in her life. If she continued to bitch about this matter, Maria's words would turn out to be true, and she would be making a fuss about nothing. Therefore, she kept her mouth shut.

On her way out of the hospital, Maria called her driver. Once she got into the car, she sent two pictures notifying Alina about her "abortion."

Soon, five million dollars were transferred to her account. Looking at her balance, Maria laughed. Alina was really a fool who happened to have a lot of money.

She should have asked for fifty million instead, and her idiotic cousin would have transferred it to her right away.

At this time, James' bodyguard knocked on her window. Pressing it down, she asked "What now?"

The bodyguard hesitated for a moment but finally said, "Ms. Song, Mr. Xi wants to see you."

"Okay, lead the way!"

Maria said, closing the window next.

The bodyguard was rendered speechless. As a matter of fact, she was supposed to get out of her car and follow him to the vehicle James had sent.

But before the bodyguard could come to his senses again, Maria's car had already driven away. The next moment, the man waved to the two other cars waiting outside the hospital, and soon they caught up with Maria.

Maria had never planned to follow James' bodyguards' cars. If she had gone with them, it would be against the odds that she would escape.

However, in the end, she still had underestimated James' cruelty.

It was not until the other three cars forced hers to stop in an isolated suburban area that Maria realized that James wanted her dead.

Seeing more of a dozen strong, tattooed men getting out of their cars, Maria judged from their outfits that those were professional killers. As Maria remained silent in the back seat, her driver kept asking her anxiously what to do.

With her heart bleeding, she came to understand that she couldn't afford to offend James.

Pulling out her cell phone, she quickly sent a message to Colby. Then she turned it off and tossed the device away.

Maria knew there was no easy way to escape that situation, so she opened the back door and got out of the car.

Immediately, the men surrounded her.

In order to gain the upper hand, Maria took off her high heels and threw each of them at two of the men.

They weren't expecting she would be so fast to attack, let alone that she would have hit them so forcefully.


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