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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 133

Judy tried her best to please her two step-children after marrying into the Xi family. She even gave up the opportunity to give birth to her own baby.

Augustine was responsible for educating his grandkids. Now both James and Cooper treated Judy with filial respect. They always sent her greetings and gifts during holidays and other important occasions.

"That's cool. When are you coming back?" Alina asked.

"We bought the tickets already. We'll be there on your engagement day."

Alina was overjoyed. "That's great, Aunt Judy. James I will be there to pick you up."

"Sounds good. So how are things, Alina?" Judy asked out of concern.

Alina was waiting for her to ask. In fact, it was why she called. She pretended to mull over her words. Then she answered, "I'm really happy with James, but... Aunt Judy, you know what? Maria's back."

The mere mention of the name soured Judy's mood. "I know. Lorenzo told me."

"Maria's more dangerous than she ever was. She has the evidence that we drugged her, threatens me whenever she can, and keeps hitting on James. But that's neither here nor there. We'll talk about it after you get back."

When she heard that, Judy's heart skipped a beat. "What are you talking about? What evidence?"

"Remember? We drugged her and she lost her voice. She found the evidence we were behind it. But don't worry, Aunt Judy. James got it back for us." "Do you mean James has the proverbial smoking gun?" Judy realized that probably wasn't ideal.

"Oh yeah. We were at a charity auction, and I took a fancy to a bracelet made of tanzanite. I was going to buy it for you, but Maria outbid me with James' money. Somehow, she convinced James to pay for all sorts of expensive things. So I went to James and complained, and he made her give it back. I even told her it was for you, and she still tried to get it for herself."

Judy wasn't interested in such trifles at first, but what Alina said got her attention. "Is she that bold to do things like that?" 'Maria even had the guts to take things away from Alina?'

When Lorenzo mentioned that Maria had come back to the city, Judy didn't take it seriously at all. Now she knew she had been careless and underestimated Maria.

"And that's not all. Did you know Qin Group is bankrupt?"

"Yes." At present, Sebastian was still on the board of directors of HL Group. He always paid particular attention to the news, especially in the financial sector. He had told Judy about Qin Group's bankruptcy, but she didn't care too much.

But now that Alina brought it up, she wondered if it had something to do with Maria.

"Maria got James to back her up, and then took down Qin Group."

Judy realized that her guess was right.

That was when Judy realized Maria had not only returned, she was more scheming than ever.

After a moment of silence, Judy said, "Okay, I gotta run. Call me if you need anything."

Alina could sense the hidden meaning behind her words. "Okay, Aunt Judy. I'll let you go. Happy MidAutumn Festival!"

"Thank you, Alina. Good night."

"Good night."

After hanging up the phone, Judy went back to her bedroom, deep in thought. Sebastian glanced at her and asked, "Who called?"


"Anything interesting?"


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