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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 213

Maria chuckled. "No one in the world will treat you well without a reason, unless you are particularly beautiful or on the verge of death."

"No, no, no. Our parents will treat us well no matter what..." Sandra trailed off. She sheepishly looked at the expressionless woman before her and apologized profusely. "I'm sorry, Maria. I didn’t mean it."

Maria kept on smiling. "There's nothing to be sorry for. You're right, but unfortunately, not all parents are that way. You're lucky your parents are good to you. You should be good to them, too."

"Maria..." Sandra felt rather sad. She had already known that the Song family had cut ties with her.

"Why the long face? I'm not sad, you shouldn't be either. " Maria picked up a piece of cooked fish for and put it on Sandra's plate. "I'm happy I left my family."

Although she was not happy all the time, at least she had experienced some happiness in shopping with Sandra.

"Okay." Sandra didn't dare to say anything more and lowered her head meekly to eat.

Afraid that the girl might overthink this, Maria changed the topic. "I'm going to meet a client. Will you be heading back to school?"

"Yes, I have a group study with my classmates in the library tonight."

"What's your major?"

"I'm in the chemistry department."

"That’s good. There are a lot of jobs relevant to it in the market. Are you enjoying your major?”

"Yeah." Sandra nodded.

Maria envied Sandra, since she was able to choose any career path she wanted. Maria herself needed to give up her studies in order to marry James.

Over the past six years, she had specially attended a lot of classes to improve herself, and she had also obtained a few certificates, but she always felt that there was something missing in her life.

After dinner, Maria drove Sandra back to the school. She left until she saw Sandra disappear behind the school gates.

The property right of the land that Jonathan had won in South District was good for seventy years, but at present, it had fifty years left. Not to mention, it lacked five certificates and two statements that the government had been asking for. As a result, the property was at a standstill as the construction permits were being processed.

Jonathan, who wanted to get things moving, asked his men to look for people on the inside to speed things up. However, he was told that those insiders were either out on business trips or had been transferred away.

Just as he thought things couldn't get any worse, another piece of news came to suffocate him. Apparently, because of the heavy pollution, that land had been closed off temporarily and the lift date was undisclosed.

Once the land was sealed, development would come to a screeching halt. This was bad news indeed. Most of the money of the investors were dedicated to the early stages of the development.

If the seal on the land was lifted in the future, they could at least continue the project. If not, their money would go to utter waste.

For a while, this matter drew its investors' attention. Some found that they couldn't eat in the daytime nor could they sleep well at night.

After waiting quietly for a few days, Judy finally made a move. She approached Jonathan and asked, "Mr. Jiang, can't you think of a way to lift the seal on the land?"

"Mrs. Xi, don't worry." Jonathan smiled helplessly. He really couldn't do anything.

"How can I not be anxious? I withdrew the money from several other projects and invested all of them in this land!" Judy was at a point where she was practically pulling out the hair on her head.

"I tried to have the seal removed, but then I found out that..." Jonathan's voice trailed off and ended in a heavy sigh. "The land is also involved in another lawsuit case, and we can't go through the turnover procedure."

Things seemed to be getting more and more troublesome.

Judy's face fell. "What? Didn't you investigate before you bid for it?"

"No, I didn't." Alas, he had acted too rashly.

He had spent loads of money on this project, and no one in the previous company had informed him that the land was about to be sealed. Even the contract made no mention of it.

He tried to contact the former real estate company, but he couldn't get in touch with the person in charge. To his horror, it turned out to be a shell company.

Seeing that Jonathan was in the dark about everything, Judy couldn't wait any longer and called James.


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