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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 234

The moment James appeared, many people in the room greeted him.

Maria didn't turned around and slapped Alina two more times. "That was for what you did to my shop assistant! I'm paying you double today."

At that point, Miranda paid no heed to James and rushed over. "Maria Song, you bitch! Don't touch my daughter again!"

Judy, on the other hand, ran to James. "James, hurry! You need to stop Maria, or she might beat Alina to death!"

Alina spat a mouthful of blood, feeling more wretched by the minute.

Maria forcefully pulled Miranda away from her daughter and landed her third kick on Alina. Just then, her wrist was grabbed from behind.

She swiveled to find James standing there, his face devoid of any emotion.

"Mr. Xi!" Miranda sobbed and pleaded. "Please save my daughter. This bitch is crazy!"

"Get your hands off me, James Xi," Maria said in a cold and steady tone.

She was determined to teach Alina a lesson here and now.

"That's enough, Maria," James said flatly.

Enough? Who was he to say when it was enough? Maria yanked her hand from his hold and screamed, "It is not enough! It will never be enough!"

Then she turned around and gave another kick to Alina, who had just been helped up by her mother.

"Mr. Xi, please help Alina!" Miranda was hysterical.

"Maria Song!" James thundered in a dangerous voice.

Maria turned and glared daggers at him. "Don't you dare say my name, James Xi! These people need to learn that I, Maria Song, am not some pushover they can just trample on to their hearts' content!"

A tense silence fell over the room.

Judy was fuming. She couldn't believe that Maria would go against James. "It looks like your time in prison hasn't taught you your place!"

Maria cocked her head in the woman's direction and took a deep breath to reign in her temper. Then a bright smile lit up her face. "That's right. Mr. Xi should have asked the authorities to lock me up for a few additional years instead of letting me go after two years."

Two years in prison? James frowned, his heart pounding furiously in his chest. "What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about?" Maria sneered. Was he so forgetful that he didn't remember he had thrown her into jail right after divorcing her?

Now faced with James, Maria's emotions clawed into the surface. She could still manage keeping up a strong front before her enemies earlier, but not anymore.

Tears slipped from her eyes, and she laughed derisively at herself. "Stop pretending to be innocent, you bastard.

He stared at her in silence, his eyes swirling with unnamable emotions. He had just been called a bastard in public, and he didn't refute it.

Just then, a couple of security guards came into the scene and grabbed Maria by the arms.

She did not struggle; instead, she looked deep into James' tormented eyes. "Didn't you say that I was crazy, ruthless, and what was the word—inhumane? But you've never actually been kind to me, have you? Elaine asked me to be generous.

She said let bygones be bygones. Why the hell should I? My Arthur would have died in vain then! I've suffered a lot in prison and trained so hard for my revenge. I won't let it all be in vain!


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