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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 250

When Maria arrived at the Leopard Club, she found only one person in the private room.

Putting her purse aside, she sat down opposite him. "Lawrence, where are your two buddies?"

"Ethan is on his way, and James might take a while."

"Why did you invite me here?" she asked bluntly. The three were having a gathering, and it had nothing to do with her.

"Have you recovered completely?"

"Yeah, it's been a while, actually." The hospital that James had put her treated her with the best, most effective medicine in the country.

"That's good." Lawrence poured a glass of wine and slid it across the table, right in front of the woman. "Actually, I wanted to ask you something about Norman Shen."

Maria smiled. "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"We don't know each other that well." Norman wasn't going to tell him anything, even if he did ask him.

"Fine. What's up?"

"Does he train killers?"

"Isn't that kind of an open secret by now?" Everyone in H City should've known about this already. At the very least, anyone in the upper echelons of society should've known.

"Are you one of them?" Lawrence looked at Maria carefully, trying to read her expression.

However, the smile on the woman's face remained unchanged. She nonchalantly took a sip of wine and answered, "Not really."

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't killed anyone, so I'm no professional killer." However, she was trained alongside those killers, so she had picked up on some martial arts.

"Do they kill people?"

Maria frowned ever so slightly. "We may be good friends, Lawrence, but even I can't tell you things I don't know. Why don't you investigate it yourself?"

Lawrence didn't answer. Instead, he eyed the wine glass in Maria's delicate hands as he silently pondered over something.

After a moment of silence, Maria finally stood up. "Maybe you could invite Norman to dinner now.

He might talk to you if he's in a good mood," she said airily. This woman couldn't possibly be serious, could she?

Maria briskly picked up her purse and said, Tm taking off. I don't want to run into James."

Lawrence raised an eyebrow. "Haven't you two made peace yet?"

"'Peace'?" Maria rolled her eyes. "I doubt that'll happen in my lifetime. Anyway, I'll get going now."

And with that, she turned around abruptly.

However, just as she swiveled around, the heel on one of her high-heeled shoes suddenly broke off, flinging her off balance and twisting her ankle.

Fortunately, she was able to catch herself by grabbing the sofa arm.

Lawrence stood up, worry written all over his face. "Are you okay?" he asked, rushing over to her side.

Excruciating pain shot up from her ankle, paralyzing Maria. Stiff as a board, she answered in a low voice, "Not really..." Great, this was just her luck. How did she manage to break a heel just like that?

Lawrence helped her up and made her sit down on the sofa. "Let me have a look."

"Okay. Thanks."

He lifted her ankle gently and examined it. Then, he asked her an abrupt question. "What makes you say you and James will never be reconciled?"

"Well, it's because he's—ouch!" Just as Maria was explaining herself, Lawrence's hand moved like lightning.

"Try moving your ankle," he instructed.

The woman obeyed, cautiously wiggling her foot. It didn't hurt as much now. "So you asked me that question as a diversion to set back my bone?"

"That is correct." Lawrence's eyes twinkled mischievously.

Maria bit her lower lip. "Thank you so much!"

"But you still have to go to the hospital, just to be sure," Lawrence said firmly.


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