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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 261

Alina opened her mouth to defend herself, but Augustine quickly cut her off. "That's it then. Ms. Tang, I appreciate your kindness."

"Mr. Xi, this really isn't..." Alina flushed with embarrassment. She turned to the man standing next to her. "James!" He had been silent this whole time.

James said flatly, "You're not a professional yourself. You might have easily gotten yourself duped. Just let it go, Grandpa won't hold it against you. I'll have someone investigate the matter later."

Alina hung her head, unable to utter another word. Since she had been dismissed-more than once-there was nothing more she could do.

All the other guests looked at her strangely for the remainder of the night.

Even Judy herself gave her the cold shoulder. After a casual pat on the back, she completely ignored Alina. Instead, she stuck next to Charlotte and looked after her mother-in-law quietly.

In the end, Alina fled to the bathroom to regain her composure.

When she came out, she bumped into Sandra, who had been waiting for her. She blocked Alina's path. "Why if it isn't the esteemed Ms. Tang who gifted Mr. Xi a fake antique in public."

"Tell me the truth!" Alina demanded with an angry glare. "Did Maria Song replace my original gift?"

Sandra was unfazed. She had been wanting to take revenge on this woman for a long time.

She hadn't meant to knock Alina into the swimming pool, but the bitch had slapped her and her friend. It was indeed a blessing that Maria had granted her this opportunity to humiliate Alina. "I don't know what you mean. What I do know, though, is your grand ambition to take the title of Mrs. Xi from Maria. I can't even imagine where you got the guts to do so. How can a woman who can't even appease Mr. Xi's grandparents ever hope to compare with Maria? After all, she's kind and beautiful, and a total opposite of the likes of you." Sandra slowly approached as she said her next words with deliberate provocation. "You're just some cheap scum who could only afford an antique as fake as yourself."

"You!" Alina tried to slap Sandra, but the latter was quick and able to dodge. "Just try and hurt me, you bitch! See if I don't ask Maria to teach you a lesson again! She said that if you dared to lay a finger on me, she's going to send you to the hospital and make sure that you stay there for another couple of months."

Alina fumed, unable to retort as the words hit home. Sandra turned and walked away from her. Alina jolted back to her senses and tried to catch up to the other woman, determined to teach her a lesson herself.

Unfortunately for her, Sandra was wearing flat shoes, in contrast to Alina's high heels. She soon disappeared from Alina's sight.

Unwilling to let her rage go untended, she tried to look for Sandra throughout the party, to no avail.

Unbeknownst to either woman, Augustine had been standing in a nearby corner and had overheard their conversation.

On top of there being a fake antique, why had Maria just sent an identical item? It turned out to be all in the purpose of humiliating Alina in public.

Now that he knew the truth of the matter, Augustine wasn't the least bit mad at all. In fact, he was quite satisfied with the outcome.

He was firmly on Maria's side, through and through. Just as his wife had put it, Maria needed to be resourceful or she would risk making the same mistakes from the past.

John glanced at the old man who appeared to have become lost in his thoughts. "Excuse me, sir. Do you still want to go to the bathroom?"

"Of course. Do you expect me to ruin my prostrate?"

The butler bowed and assisted Augustine in silence.

Over the course of the night, something occurred to Alina.

She told James, "I've been deceived."

The man glanced at her briefly and said nothing.

"Listen, when I made the deal, there was something wrong with the POS machine. The transaction got delayed for ten minutes before proceeding successfully. Those ten minutes probably had something to do with the fake antique. Maybe they switched the items then! And Maria Song definitely cooperated with them to pull it off."


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